Pokemon - FireRed Version
June 7 2015, 6:15pm
February 28 2016, 6:17pm, last edited March 5 2016, 1:49am
White screen? Set emulator save type to Flash 128 KB.
I couldn't include the Fame Checker but other than that I think all content is covered.
Achievement Badges are a bit bland now. I'll try to improve them later or you can make suggestions. I'll also look into LeafGreen.
March 5 2016, 1:41am, last edited March 7 2016, 11:13am

Total 170 FireRed, 171 LeafGreen
Gen 1 (125):
All 151 obtainable except for
Starters (6)
Fossil (2)
Trade evo (4) - Machamp, Golem, Gengar, Alakazam
Mew (1)
FireRed only (13)
Ekans + Arbok, Oddish + Gloom + Vileplume, Psyduck + Golduck, Growlithe + Arcanine, Shellder + Cloyster, Electrabuzz, Scyther
LeafGreen only (13)
Sandshrew + Sandslash, Vulpix + Ninetales, Bellsprout + Weepinbell + Victreebell, Slowpoke + Slowbro, Staryu + Starmie, Magmar, Pinsir
Gen 2 (44 FireRed, 45 LeafGreen):
Both versions (37)
Sentret + Furret, Ledyba + Ledian, Spinarak + Ariados, Crobat, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi + Togetic, Natu + Xatu, Hoppip + Skiploom + Jumpluff, Yanma, Unown, Wynaut + Wobbuffet, Dunsparce, Heracross, Slugma + Magcargo, Swinub + Piloswine, Phanpy + Donphan, Tyrogue + Hitmontop, Smoochum, Blissey, Larvitar + Pupitar + Tyranitar, 1 of Legendary trio
FireRed only (8)
Bellossom, Elekid, Wooper + Quagsire, Murkrow, Qwilfish, Delibird, Skarmory
LeafGreen only (9)
Magby, Azurill + Marill + Azumarill, Misdreavus, Sneasel, Remoraid + Octillery, Mantine
March 7 2016, 11:11am, last edited August 30 2024, 10:42am
Thanks to Shikamaru91
April 25 2016, 12:24pm
It's because the Pokedex memory addresses behave differently when the Pokedex is not opened so if I don't put some extra conditions it could trigger at random moments.
June 9 2016, 2:56am, last edited June 9 2016, 5:02am
The thing is, I don't seem to get any achievements from my play through. I double checked everything in terms of HARDCORE mode, user account and settings etc etc. Everything is normal,and I even get my SNES achievements normally. I'm using the VBA-M emulator through Retroarch as it is implied from others posts that, this is the emulator needed for getting achievements. I have no idea why this is happening,me getting no achievements I mean, so I was wondering if you have any guess why. Thank you for any kind of response!
July 29 2016, 10:04am, last edited August 30 2024, 10:42am
If that's not it then ask an admin like Dexterspet to award you the achievement (provide proof)
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May 9 2014, 6:32pm, last edited August 30 2024, 10:41am
Set coded by gooby and Delmaru
Badges by blendedsea
1. Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA).gba
RA Checksum: e26ee0d44e809351c8ce2d73c7400cdd
CRC32 Checksum: DD88761C
2. moemon_fire_red_revival_project_completed.gba
RA Checksum: 69ea9b894e5fae7684129f59c01b94ab
CRC32 Checksum: D3ED1C2E
3. Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA).gba + QoL Enhancement Patch
Original Checksum: e26ee0d44e809351c8ce2d73c7400cdd
Patched Checksum: e7e95ab0d167ea062a74c2accb299002
Patched CRC32: C2A8A1F5
4. Moemon FireRed.gba (Moemon Gen3 2.0)
ips Patch + Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA) [DD88761C].gba
RA Checksum: 5c5c04fcc3640ef7f8e545d9bdcd2404
CRC32 Checksum: CE1A258B
5. Moemon Revival Project V2.6.gba (09-17-2019)
ips Patch + Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA) [DD88761C].gba
RA Checksum: cfbecda514aee8b964e5e5603e60b925
CRC32 Checksum: A178923C
6. Magikarp-tan trainer sprite hack + Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA) [DD88761C].gba
RA Checksum: 9ed8f007c7548716f81ddd0700a6bce7
CRC32 Checksum: F72E578A
7. Magikarp-tan trainer sprite hack + Moemon Revival Project V2.6 [A178923C].gba
RA Checksum: 3135915853aa557889dbb36afb7d08f3
CRC32 Checksum: 8BDEB3AA