Pokemon Trading Card Game 2

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Joined Feb 3, 2014


April 8 2014, 9:51pm, edited August 30 2024, 10:41am

Official Topic Post for discussion about Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR! (Game Boy Color) Pokรฉmon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR! (Game Boy Color)
Created 08 Apr, 2014 22:51 by StingX2

1. Pokemon Trading Card Game 2 - The Invasion Of Team GR! (J)[T+Eng 1.00 by Artemis251].gbc
RA Checksum: b881fe7a48a4d6deb2e41ffd930712fd
CRC32 Checksum: D880DFC1


Joined Aug 21, 2013

April 9 2014, 11:32am

Oh cool. Is it any good or better then the first? I see it has an english translation.

News Manager

Joined Feb 3, 2014


April 9 2014, 1:54pm

Its much better than the first, just made this hoping it didn't get forgotten out there since it was finally translated in the last few years

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Joined Feb 3, 2014


January 21 2016, 4:14pm

linked this to the first since it doesn't come up in search engines

Joined Aug 29, 2016

December 3 2016, 9:07pm

This needs Achievements so bad!
Can someone do it?

Joined Jul 7, 2017

June 19 2019, 5:33am

Translation patch:


Joined Oct 29, 2018

December 11 2019, 2:46am, edited December 13 2019, 1:15pm

Can't wait for achievements to this!


Joined Dec 8, 2019

December 26 2019, 2:36pm

I would like to claim this game for achievements ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I've gotten started with some basic story progression achievements. I'll post my list of intended achievements so far, later.


Joined Dec 8, 2019

December 26 2019, 11:37pm

Here is a work-in-progress list of potential achievements.

By comparison, original game has 37 achievements, worth 425 points.

-Story Progression Coins
1. GR Coin
2. Grass Coin
3. Fire Coin
4. Water Coin
5. Lightning Coin
6. Psychic Coin
7. Fighting Coin
8. GR Grass Coin
9. GR Thunder Coin
10. GR Fire Coin
11. GR Water Coin
12. GR Fighting Coin
13. GR Psychic Coin
14. GR Colorless Coin
15. GR King Coin
Note: These coins are all unlocked automatically as the story progresses.

-Optional Coins
16. Ponyta Coin [Win 10 times in the Challenge Cup]
17. Horsea Coin [Win 10 times in the Rocket Challenge Cup]
18. Jigglypuff Coin [Buy for 500 chips at the Game Center]
19. Dugtrio Coin [50 consecutive wins at the machine in Dr. Mason's lab]
20. Gengar Coin [50 consecutive wins at the machine in the GR Island Challenge Hall]
Note1: The Arbok, Raichu, and Lugia coins require the link feature to obtain; therefore, these are omitted from the achievement set.
Note2: These coins all take a bit of time to unlock, i.e., you must "grind" for them.

-Optional/Unique Battles
21. Defeat Ishihara
22. Defeat Imakuni? [Black]
23. Defeat Imakuni? [Red]
24. Defeat Pawn/Knight/Bishop/Rook/Queen
25. Sealed Fort Battles (9 Opponents)
Note1: Perhaps make reference to Ishihara probably referring to the Pokemon CEO of the same name. And reference to Imakuni? having a real-life counterpart.
Note2: What about the Grand Masters? Supposedly, you need to use the link feature to participate in the Pokemon Dome tournament?
Note3: Maybe include Aaron, and completing the 4 Steps of his Training

26. Complete the Album
Note: Need to check which cards, if any, require link feature to obtain. Also to check which cards, if any, are permanently missable (check challenge cup prizes)

27. Achievements for defeating Ronald as part of the story
28. Achievements for Participating in the Challenge Cups during the course of the story
29. Achievements for making various card trades with NPCs


Joined Dec 8, 2019

March 8 2020, 5:57pm, edited January 17 2023, 1:08am

Figured I could/should update the forum post to say that the set is live. I do hope everyone enjoys the set!

Two cards are only available through the Card Pop! feature, which requires linking: "Lugia" and "Here Comes Team Rocket!". Also, there are three coins that also require linking to obtain. As such, obtaining these cards and coins is not part of the set. The coins are the following:
Arbok Coin: Awarded for winning the Pokemon Dome Tournament.
Raichu Coin: 50 wins in link matches.
Lugia Coin: 100 wins in link matches.

News Manager

Joined Feb 3, 2014


March 8 2020, 7:29pm

I'm having a blast, though I hate the GR Casino but thats Hudsons fault

Joined Nov 2, 2019

March 8 2020, 7:53pm

Thank you for listing the missables in such a clear fashion, too often on this site those are overlooked/ignored.


Joined Dec 8, 2019

March 9 2020, 2:54am

@StingX2 Yeah casinos in Pokemon games are mostly frustrating in my experience lol. The best way to earn coins in TCG2 is definitely the coin flip combo game.

@TonyStarc For sure! I know how it feels to get into a game and discover that there was a missable way back that you already passed over.

Joined Feb 18, 2020

August 8 2021, 9:43am

This is a great set, thanks to the author. I wish that other games would follow your example of clearly showing which achievements are missable.

I'm really having a hard time on some of the character challenges. The Leave Alex Friendless one is brutal.

Joined Jul 1, 2021

October 3 2021, 5:32pm, edited October 4 2021, 1:38pm

I'm not sure if this is the best way of doing this but could this hash be added?


I tested and achievements do work on it
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