Street Fighter Alpha 3

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Joined Oct 8, 2014


November 19 2017, 3:53pm, edited August 30 2024, 10:42am

Official Topic Post for discussion about Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PlayStation) Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PlayStation)
Created 19 Nov, 2017 15:53 by Salsa

List of all developers interested in working on a set for this game:


Joined Oct 8, 2014


November 19 2017, 9:01pm

List of ideas/planned achievements:

Joined Dec 13, 2017

November 27 2018, 6:39pm

Icon for game.


August 8 2020, 3:47am

I will be working on this game, I will bring results soon


August 29 2020, 11:47pm

I am dropping this project.
Because I am experiencing some problems with my current computer and I don't know when I can return.
And also because all the work that was on site, I ended up losing everything in maintenance.
When I get back, I will try to work on it or maybe another game

Joined Sep 11, 2019

September 1 2020, 2:43am, edited July 12 2021, 4:19pm

Box Art Cover:
Screenshot 01 Title:
Screenshot 02 Gameplay:

Joined Sep 11, 2019

September 1 2020, 2:48am


Joined Sep 11, 2019

October 28 2020, 12:41am

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Action, Fighting, 2D
First released: April 30, 1999

Joined Sep 11, 2019

February 25 2021, 2:41am

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA) [SLUS_008.21]

RA Checksum: 84e81e8ab3832fc83f1b4f051c873eca


Joined Jan 9, 2020

July 13 2021, 1:56pm

Claiming this set.

I'll develop a full plan over the weekend and update the post here. If there is anything in particular you would like to see in the set, please share your suggestions.


Joined Jun 24, 2015

July 13 2021, 11:17pm

I'm also working on SFA3, but for the Sega Saturn version. It will be interesting to see the difference between our sets.

Also, it would be cool if you keep the current icon, as it combines with the Sega Saturn version (PS1 being recognized by red and Saturn by blue).

Joined Sep 11, 2019

July 19 2021, 6:51pm, edited July 19 2021, 7:00pm

Move List:

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Move Lists 01
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Move Lists 02

Joined May 12, 2021

July 21 2021, 1:20am

I'm enjoying this set so far. Just some feedback and suggestions that i feel should be added to the set.

-When playing as X-ISM Sodom, his achievement for beating arcade mode didn't trigger. I pressume is because it takes it as a different character due to having different sprites. Maybe add an achievement for beating the game as X-ISM Sodom (and Chun Li, as i believe the same problem happens with her)
-There should be achievements for using the Supers of Evil Ryu and Guile in Training as well. Same for achievements for beating arcade with them. Maybe add some for Shin Akuma as well too.
-Maybe change the game icon, the one posted by Alexavelino123 is pretty good.


Joined Jan 9, 2020

July 21 2021, 4:42am

I was wondering what the gaps in the memory were, I thought maybe they were unused, but it turns out they were Chun-Li and Sodom's other sprites. Thanks! I've fixed those achievements to allow for either of their forms. I also adjusted the logic for Gen, as his normal form and his crane form are two separate values in the memory.

I have added achievements for completing the arcade as Evil Ryu, Guile and Shin Akuma. Also, I added the training achievements for Evil Ryu and Guile.

If you run into any other problems or have further ideas, let me know.

For the icon: It is pretty plain in my opinion, but I'm not bothered. Maybe go through the icon gauntlet and post Alexavelino123's and see which one wins out? I get wanting to keep it consistent with the Saturn, but ultimately, if people don't like the icon I imagine it will end up changed.

Joined May 12, 2021

July 21 2021, 12:22pm

I stumbled upon with some other issues that i forgot to mention before. Some of the characters arcade runs get the achievement before fighting Bison. Like Dhalsim and T.Hawk if i recall correctly. I forgot exactly whom else has this problem, but it's definitely an issue of characters whos arcade runs have an extra fight before the final boss.

And about other ideas... maybe an achievement for beating Dramatic Battle with Juni & Juli since they have unique attacks when using them in that mode. And maybe one for using Ryu & Ken, maybe? You could think of some other interesting duos for that mode for some fun achievements.

Not sure if Final Battle Mode could have some achievements for beating Final Bison or Shin Akuma in that mode. That's up to you.
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