Earthworm Jim

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Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 1:25am, edited October 26 2024, 6:53pm

Official Topic Post for discussion about Earthworm Jim (Genesis/Mega Drive) Earthworm Jim (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Created 30 Jan, 2014 01:25 by JonnyRetro

๐Ÿ’พ Supported Game Files


Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 1:25am

box art, screenshot and icons added :)

Joined Jan 28, 2014

January 30 2014, 5:44pm

Suggested achievements:

-beat third tube race quickly (a certain amount of time remaining)
-teleport to hidden Lights Out level
-fall through buttville without hitting any walls
-win against psy crow in fight (after losing spacewarp race)
-swing from 4 different hooks in a row (possible in buttville-2, I think)
-drop your pants (idle animation)
-blow your own head off (idle animation)
-sing (idle animation)
-hit on head by your own gun (idle animation)

make them fun! Simply giving achievements for beating level 1 or finding a few obvious items isn't fun... that comes automatically to anyone who plays.

Also when you enter the level skip (from this page:, don't use Gamefaqs/Gamespot's listings as they don't work), it takes you to the cheater menu and selecting different levels (before actually going to them) unlocks the achievement for getting to that stage.

I guess achievements like that are pretty easy to get if you can just select them from a menu, so make up fun, hard challenges that not many can do!

Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 6:17pm

thanks for the comments, will take on board.. a little note however.. the cheevos you get for completing levels etc.. progression cheevos are still necessary I think.. its nice to check your own progress once in a while and see how far you get.. :)

Doesn't mean to say the game can't have interesting ones too. Not so sure about the idle ones though.. those could be added in at the end for novelty I guess.

Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 6:21pm

Btw if you are playing your games on HARDCORE mode you will see that automatically getting to stage 5 or 6 in a game without saving is actually quite a achievement by todays standards! :p

Joined Jan 28, 2014

January 30 2014, 6:43pm

EWJ is a silly game. I think it'd be funny if four of the achievements are just setting the controller down and watching Jim go through his idle animations :)

Joined Jan 15, 2014

January 30 2014, 6:43pm

And much worth the effort.

I agree with the achievements stalepie mentioned, I'd also like to suggest there should most certainly be more completion achievements as it seems there's only a couple.

Joined Jul 20, 2013

January 30 2014, 7:04pm

I love and hate this game at the same time. I think because when you need to grab hooks, it gets very picky about doing it perfectly, and there's a whole complex series of hooks.
Edit: Just got the worm on the hook joke..

Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 7:20pm

Haha! The game has a sense of humour that's for sure!

Joined Jan 28, 2014

January 30 2014, 7:30pm

I remember it being hard to do the hooks right, but eventually you get used to it, usually sometime right after you finally get that part in "What the Heck?" right... (toward the end of the level). Then you got it down.

It was also something to do with the proper controller and TV... if may be the emulator running slow. RAGens was for me when I tried adjusting settings. (I think that emulator ought to be reworked because it sets Windows 7 into Basic Look or whatever it's called, causing the screen to blank out at first, and only has a few options for resizing the window... but if you choose "stretch" it definitely slows down).

Joined Jan 2, 2014


January 30 2014, 8:03pm

I have the RAGENS setup like this:

full screen/interpolated scanlines 50% @ 640x480 and runs really smooth. Its a shame we couldn't use Kega as its probably the most accurate but gens runs fine all the same.

btw is this the latest revision of Gens?

Joined Jan 28, 2014

January 30 2014, 9:04pm

I'm not sure. Gens (last I heard) had stopped being worked on some time ago by its original developer, but then started receiving forks in its development to facilitate coders in their homebrew projects (such as at SpritesMind).

A list here: SegaRetro - Mega Drive emulators


Joined Oct 3, 2012

January 30 2014, 11:02pm

Somebody has recently mentioned 'gens32 surreal', apologies I forget who - it looks very fully featured, that might be a better base to use than Gens? Should be a lot easier to implement, but I'd like to incorporate a nice UI into it as well...

Joined Jan 28, 2014

January 30 2014, 11:27pm

Yeah it was me. Use gens32 it is alot better

Joined Jul 20, 2013

January 31 2014, 12:16am

Not every transition is a smooth one. For example, even though VBA-M is a superior emulator than VBA, I've noticed people have more problems with it. We can just hope Gens32 will work out.
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