Bounty Hunters [5/20/2024-11/10/2024]

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Joined Aug 7, 2022


May 13 2024, 1:05am

Welcome to Bounty (Achievement) Hunters, an event that sees some of your favorite characters convicted of unexpected crimes, and you must help to turn them in. In this event, players have to complete tasks related to certain popular gaming icons, which earn you gold bars. Collect enough bars and you will be able to earn some badges on the site!

Here's the layout of how this event will work:

During the first week, I will reveal which character is currently wanted. Each character will have specific tasks that will help find their location and turn them in. Each board has a total of 120 of a type of currency that you can earn by completing the given tasks. Once a board is revealed, it will remain active for the entire event, so there's no need to have to finish during it's reveal window. New boards will be revealed every 2 weeks, and there will be 12 total. Will you be able to help lock these characters behind bars?

Every 2 week period, a leaderboard will be cloned that all participants can partake in. The winner of this leaderboard at the end of the 2 week period will be featured in one of the achievement titles for the event badges. Will you be the one to put them away?

There will be three tiers of badges available for this event. The first can be earned by earning 400 points total, the second if you can earn 800 total, and the final for those that can earn 1200 points total. These points can be earned at any point during the event.

Join the Discord!:
In our very own discord server, participants can help influence the path of the event. When we reveal a character's board, a thread will open up where participants can suggest crimes that this specific character would have been convicted for. After a week, the Events Team will come up with a list of some of the best suggestions, and you can vote as a community for which crime they committed.

Why is this significant? Well, the winner of this poll will determine the name of certain achievements for the event badges. How would this work? If s0uth had won the leaderboard at the end of the 2 week period for Yoshi, and the community voted for Yoshi's crime to be "arrested for tax evasion", the achievement's title will be "s0uth locked up Yoshi for committing tax evasion".

Some might be wondering how these 12 characters were chosen. It came from a poll sent on the discord server, where they were asked to provide a list of who they thought were the most popular gaming characters. Now you may be wondering in which order these characters will be revealed in. Well, that's entirely up to the community! At the start of each board, a poll will be posted on the discord server where you can vote for a number, 1-12, and the winning number will correspond to the rank of the character in that poll!

Item Shop:
Those rewards you've been collecting have more use than just earning badges! Bring it over to the item shop to purchase items that may help you out on your journey of justice. They accept any type of currency.

200 Points - 5-point task skipper
300 Points - Task reroller
400 points - 10-point task skipper
600 points - 25-point task skipper
800 points - 50-point task skipper

The task reroller can be used to reroll any task where you were given a roll. All the skippers can be used to skip tasks of the specified point value.

Happy hunting, and let's bring these characters to justice!


Joined Aug 7, 2022


May 13 2024, 1:05am, edited September 9 2024, 1:29am

Complete these tasks to earn Rupees and help bring in Link:

5 Rupees - Draw Link Behind Bars OR show us your favorite Zelda NPC and describe why you like them

5 Rupees - Gain the power of magic in any Zelda game
Must be from an achievement

5 Rupees - Earn Eagle Novice Eagle Novice (5)
Prior credit if you've earned this before

10 Rupees - Earn A Link Between Worlds A Link Between Worlds (5)
Prior credit if you've earned this before

10 Rupees - Earn 5 items in any of these games:
Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess (GameCube) Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess (GameCube)
Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker (GameCube) Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker (GameCube)
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance) Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance)
Legend of Zelda, The: Link's Awakening DX (Game Boy Color) Legend of Zelda, The: Link's Awakening DX (Game Boy Color)
Prior credit if you've gotten all items in these sets before, items are defined as something you can put on a button from your inventory, so pieces of hearts do not count

10 Rupees - Earn any achievement in Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time [Subset - Glitch Showcase] (Nintendo 64) Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) Subset Glitch Showcase or Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past [Subset - Glitch Showcase] (SNES/Super Famicom) Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past (SNES/Super Famicom) Subset Glitch Showcase
Prior credit if you've mastered both before

25 Rupees - Earn a random mask in Majora's Mask assigned to you OR dev a Zelda game
Prior credit if you've earned your mask before

50 Rupees - Earn Crystal in the Dark Crystal in the Dark (10)
Prior credit if you've earned this before

Competition - Link amiibo tournament. Join the discord for more details.

Past Boards:

Board 1: Pac-Man
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Dots- Draw Pac-Man behind bars OR write about your very first gaming memory

5 Dots- Take a picture of a pizza with one slice missing OR take a screenshot of one in game

5 Dots- Eat all 4 ghosts in succession in any pac-man set (prior credit of you've earned every "eat all 4 ghost" achievements)

10 Dots- A Bounty Helper will give you a roll, and you must eat that many ghosts in (prior credit if you already scored your roll or higher prior to getting a roll)

10 Dots- Get a Key in any Pac-Man Maze Chase set (prior credit if you've earned every key achievement)

10 Dots- Defeat 2 bosses in any Klonoa game (prior credit if you've beaten every klonoa boss)

25 Dots- Beat Pac-Land (PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16) Pac-Land (PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16) OR dev any game in the Pac-Man series (prior credit if you've beaten this previously)

50 Dots- Beat Pac-Man World 2 (PlayStation 2) Pac-Man World 2 (PlayStation 2) (prior credit if you've beaten this previously)


Board 2: Crash Bandicoot
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Wumpa Fruit Draw Crash behind bars OR write a small blurb about what a mascot of your avatar would do if they met the Crash Bandicoot mascot, describe their day

5 Wumpa Fruit Earn this achievement: PS1 Heroes PS1 Heroes (prior credit if you've unlocked this previously)

10 Wumpa Fruit Earn any platinum relic (prior credit if you've unlocked every platinum relic achievement)

25 Wumpa Fruit Beat any of these 4 games:
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure | Crash Bandicoot: XS (Game Boy Advance) Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure | Crash Bandicoot: XS (Game Boy Advance)
Crash Nitro Kart (Game Boy Advance) Crash Nitro Kart (Game Boy Advance)
Crash of the Titans (Game Boy Advance) Crash of the Titans (Game Boy Advance)
Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced (Game Boy Advance) Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced (Game Boy Advance)
(prior credit if you've beaten all 4 previously, or all non-demoted ones)

25 Wumpa Fruit A bounty helper will give you a number between 5-20, you must earn that many gem achievements from any of the following games:
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure | Crash Bandicoot: XS (Game Boy Advance) Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure | Crash Bandicoot: XS (Game Boy Advance)
Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PlayStation) Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PlayStation)
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (PlayStation) Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (PlayStation) (Each "Get all gems in this world" achievements will count for 5)
~Prototype~ Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) Prototype (breaking all box achievements from here will count, this is a wildcard, if you have all the others you can still get prior credit)
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (PlayStation 2) Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (PlayStation 2) (Each "Get all gems in this world" achievements will count for 5)
Crash Twinsanity (PlayStation 2) Crash Twinsanity (PlayStation 2)
(prior credit if you've earned every gem achievement from all of these games, must be from all different levels, so combining a Crash 3 "get all gems in the first world" can't be combined with "break all the crates in Toad Village deathless")

50 Wumpa Fruit Beat Crash Team Racing (PlayStation) Crash Team Racing (PlayStation) (prior credit if you've beaten this previously)


Board 3: Kirby
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Stars - Draw Kirby behind bars OR write a description of what you think Kirby would turn into if he swallowed your avatar and what abilities he would get

5 Stars - Earn any one of the following:
Suction Suction (5)
Twin Strikes Twin Strikes (5)
Acro Defeated Acro Defeated (5)
The Classic Woods The Classic Woods (5)
Gourmet Race Gourmet Race (5)
Flash Flash (10)
Crystals Crystals (5)
(prior credit if you have earned all of these previously)

5 Stars - Earn Dream On Dream On (5)
(prior credit if you have earned this previously)

10 Stars - A Bounty Helper will roll you a number 3-24, and that's how many ability achievements you must earn from Kirby Super Star | Kirby's Fun Pak (SNES/Super Famicom) Kirby Super Star | Kirby's Fun Pak (SNES/Super Famicom)
(prior credit if you've earned all of these previously, if your roll is higher than the amount of achievements you don't have unlocked, just unlock the rest of them)

10 Stars - Beat 3 different Kirby subgames on the highest difficulty by earning 3 of these achievements:

(prior credit if you've earned every subgame achievement previously)

10 Stars - Beat any boss in Kirby's Pinball Land (Game Boy) Kirby's Pinball Land (Game Boy)
(prior credit if you've beaten every boss previously)

25 Stars - Earn 3 Silver Medals in Kirby's Dream Course (SNES/Super Famicom) Kirby's Dream Course (SNES/Super Famicom)
(prior credit if you've earned all of these previously, if you less than 3 left, just unlock the rest of them)

25 Stars - Beat either of these two games:
Kirby's Adventure (NES/Famicom) Kirby's Adventure (NES/Famicom)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (Game Boy Advance) Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (Game Boy Advance)
(prior credit if you've beaten both previously)

25 Stars - Beat any of these games OR dev a Kirby hack, or a hack that features Kirby characters:
Kirby Mass Attack (Nintendo DS) Kirby Mass Attack (Nintendo DS)
Kirby Super Star Ultra (Nintendo DS) Kirby Super Star Ultra (Nintendo DS)
Kirby: Power Paintbrush | Kirby: Canvas Curse (Nintendo DS) Kirby: Power Paintbrush | Kirby: Canvas Curse (Nintendo DS)
Kirby: Squeak Squad | Kirby: Mouse Attack (Nintendo DS) Kirby: Squeak Squad | Kirby: Mouse Attack (Nintendo DS)
(prior credit if you've beaten all previously)

Leaderboard -

Board 4: Mario
Spoiler (Click to show)
Complete these tasks to earn Coins and help bring in Mario:

5 Coins - Draw Mario behind bars OR watch the Super Mario Movie (1993 or 2023) and write a review about it

5 Coins - Find Mario in a game that isn't in the Super Mario or Smash Bros. Series and screenshot it

5 Coins - Spell MARIO by earning achievements that start with each letter in order
(You can earn other achievements in between, cannot double dip this with other achievement specific tasks)

10 Coins - Beat any version of one of these four games:
Super Mario Bros. (NES/Famicom) Super Mario Bros. (NES/Famicom)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES/Famicom) Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES/Famicom)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES/Famicom) Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES/Famicom)
Super Mario World (SNES/Super Famicom) Super Mario World (SNES/Super Famicom)
(prior credit to those that have beaten at least one version of each game)

10 Coins - Get first place in a Grand Prix in any Mario Kart game
(prior credit if you've mastered every Mario Kart set)

10 Coins - Win a board in any Mario Party game
(prior credit if you've mastered every Mario Party set)

25 Coins - An Events Team member will roll you a number from 15 to 40, you must beat a hack from [Hacks - Super Mario World] (Hubs) [Hacks - Super Mario World] (Hubs) with at least that many exits OR dev one with that many exits OR Dev a game in the Super Mario Bros. Series

50 Coins - Beat Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
(prior credit if you've beaten this before)

Leaderboard -

Board 5: Luigi
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Coins - Draw Luigi behind bars OR Find a Player 2 by unlocking an achievement from a Multi set with another user (Team-Up)

5 Coins - Earn Leaps and Bounds Leaps and Bounds (3)
(prior credit if you have earned this prior)

5 Coins - Earn Lost and Found Lost and Found (2)
(prior credit if you have earned this prior)

10 Coins - Earn one of five these randomly assigned to you:
The Goomba Card The Goomba Card (5)
Raising the Blinds Raising the Blinds (5)
Straight Up Bet Straight Up Bet (5)
Higher than Luigi Higher than Luigi (5)
The Sound of Rain The Sound of Rain (5)
(prior credit if you have earned your roll prior)

10 Coins - Beat Mario is Missing! (SNES/Super Famicom) Mario is Missing! (SNES/Super Famicom) or Mario is Missing! (NES/Famicom) Mario is Missing! (NES/Famicom) (prior credit if you've beaten both versions)

10 Coins - Earn Ghostbuster Ghostbuster (5)

25 Coins - Earn one of these:
Luigi - Star Tournament Singles Champion Luigi - Star Tournament Singles Champion (10)
Partners in Plumbing Partners in Plumbing (25)
Side-Kicked Side-Kicked (10)

50 Coins - Beat Luigi's Mansion (GameCube) Luigi's Mansion (GameCube)

Board 6: Cloud
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Gil - Draw Cloud behind bars OR Watch Advent Children and write a review of the movie

5 Gil - Earn 3 achievements related to clouds

10 Gil - Earn Cloud Cloud (10) or Just a Soldier Just a Soldier (5)
prior credit if you've earned both previously

25 Gil - Earn Road to a Hero Road to a Hero (5)
prior credit if earned previously

25 Gil - Earn 5-20 summons or treasure achievements in any number of Final Fantasy games rolled to you at random. You can use a combination of both types of achievements.
Summon: Diamond Dust Diamond Dust (5)
Treasure: Treasure Hunter III Treasure Hunter III (5)

50 Gil - Earn Reminiscence ~ Scars Carved by Fire Reminiscence ~ Scars Carved by Fire (5)
prior credit if earned previously

Board 7: Sonic
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Rings - Sonic behind bars OR make a chili dog OR order from Sonic and take a picture

5 Rings - Earn one of the Animal Rescue achievements from a sonic stage from Sonic Adventure 2 [Subset - Ring Attack & Animal Chase] (Dreamcast) Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast) Subset Ring Attack & Animal Chase
prior credit if you've unlocked all animals from Sonic stages

5 Rings - Hold onto 200 rings in any sonic game
Achievements or screenshots can be used, can be on or off RA

10 Rings - Earn Gotta Go Fast! Gotta Go Fast! (5) OR Sonic Challenge Sonic Challenge (10)
prior credit if you've unlocked both

10 Rings - Beat any Game Gear or Master System Sonic platformer game

10 Rings - Earn Return to the Chao Garden Return to the Chao Garden (5)
prior credit if you've unlocked this

25 Rings - Gather all chaos emeralds in any 2D Sonic game where theyโ€™re not required OR dev a sonic set
prior credit if you've mastered every 2D Sonic set with emeralds

50 Rings - Earn a Sonic Heroes ending achievement given to you at random
Can also use the PS2 equivalent, prior credit if you've earned your roll already

Board 8: Donkey Kong
Spoiler (Click to show)
5 Bananas - Draw Donkey Kong behind bars OR Come up with a rap verse that would be used to introduce your avatar or you as a player

10 Bananas - Earn Baby DK, the Jungle King! Baby DK, the Jungle King! (10)

10 Bananas - Get all KONG letter or Krem/DK coins in 3 worlds of any DKC game
prior credit if you've gotten all of these achievements in every version of these games

10 Bananas - Get a gold medal on a song in any of the Donkey Konga sets
prior credit if youโ€™ve mastered all 3 sets

10 Bananas - Earn Mario's Triple Rock Jump Mario's Triple Rock Jump (5)
prior credit if youโ€™ve gotten this

25 Bananas - Get assigned a high score that you must beat in OR Dev a DK game
prior credit if youโ€™ve already gotten your roll submitted on the leaderboard

50 Bananas - Beat one of these: Donkey Kong Country (SNES/Super Famicom) Donkey Kong Country (SNES/Super Famicom)
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES/Super Famicom) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES/Super Famicom)
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (SNES/Super Famicom) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (SNES/Super Famicom)
prior credit if youโ€™ve beaten all 3

Competition - Compete in this leaderboard!


Joined Aug 7, 2022


May 13 2024, 1:06am, edited August 30 2024, 10:42am

Keep track of your points here! -------- >
Let s0uth know if anything seems off.

Check out this personal checklist made by RetroDron:
Make yourself a personal copy to help keep track of your own progress if that's something you want to do!


Is prior credit allowed?

Yes, prior credit if the task asks you to do a specific thing that you already have done. Examples of this would be to beat game X, but you already had beaten it. If prior credit is not allowed, it will be directly stated

Where can I submit my completed tasks?

You can submit them here on the forum topic, or find the character's thread on discord, either would work

How can I get rolls?

Ask for one either here or on the discord in the rolls thread

Can I use an alt?

Yes alts are fine, just please declare it the first time you use it

Can I use Softcore for this event?

No, only achievements earned in Hardcore will count

Joined Feb 9, 2021

May 13 2024, 1:46am

Spoiler (Click to show)

Joined Oct 23, 2022

May 13 2024, 2:08am


Joined Nov 10, 2021

May 14 2024, 2:28am

cant wait to see how this event unfolds!

Joined Jan 30, 2023

May 16 2024, 2:37pm

Looking forward to trying this one out!


Joined Aug 7, 2022


May 20 2024, 1:44am, edited May 20 2024, 2:27am

Board 1 has started!

5 Dots- Draw Pac-Man behind bars OR write about your very first gaming memory

5 Dots- Take a picture of a pizza with one slice missing OR take a screenshot of one in game

5 Dots- Eat all 4 ghosts in succesion in any pac-man set

10 Dots- A Bounty Helper will give you a roll, and you must eat that many ghosts in

10 Dots- Get a Key in any Pac-Man set

10 Dots- Defeat 2 bosses in any Klonoa game

25 Dots- Beat Pac-Land (PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16) Pac-Land (PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16) OR dev any game in the Pac-Man series

50 Dots- Beat Pac-Man World 2 (PlayStation 2) Pac-Man World 2 (PlayStation 2)


Feel free to ask for rolls in the discord or after this post

Junior Developer

Joined Apr 11, 2024

May 20 2024, 6:24am

To clarify, the board "currency" (dots in this case) is equal to the points required to earn badges, 1:1 conversion? And does buying rerolls take away from those points going towards the badge rewards?


Joined Aug 7, 2022


May 20 2024, 8:39am

The unique currency names for each character are just for fun. 1 Dot = 1 Point, and the same holds true for the other currencies as well.

Spending points for rerolls does not take away your badge progress. We're currently working on getting a spreadsheet set up so everyone can follow along with their current stats which will hopefully make things more clear.

Joined Feb 1, 2024

May 20 2024, 12:28pm

How Can i Join this bounty Hunter event

Joined Jul 20, 2020

May 20 2024, 2:15pm, edited May 21 2024, 1:28am

This sounds super-interesting, I'll definitely give this event series a shot! :D

Edit: apparently in order to get credit for previous achievements and whatnot you have to do every single variety of each category on the site and quite frankly I do not understand why, so good luck to everyone else who attempts these challenges

Joined Nov 10, 2021

May 20 2024, 3:39pm

earned Four-Course Meal Four-Course Meal (5) for 5 dots - Eat all 4 ghosts in succession in any pac-man set

Joined May 30, 2018

May 20 2024, 4:49pm

Four-Course Meal Four-Course Meal (5)

Joined May 30, 2018

May 20 2024, 4:49pm

Four-Course Meal Four-Course Meal (5)
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