Found the game and RAquasi88 accepts it as correct, however, the emulator produces only garbage text when I try to load the game. I've tried every mode. Thanks for the set, but do I need very specific settings to run this?
I used V2 and 4MHz - someone else ran into an issue where it wasn't working since they had some bad BIOS files, so that would be the other thing to check
I'm sorry Turn7Boom, not sure if you'll see this, but could you elaborate a little on the PC-98DO and Kanji ROM98 part? All an internet search has provided me is a site called The Old Computer, where they have a "ROM98" file, but I must be a paying member for that. I have Kanji1 and Kanji2 roms stored in a system folder for raquasi88, but not sure if that was the proper place to store them since I'm used to RetroArch more. If anyone has any tips or anything (outside of a direct link, of course), that would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I was able to get this working in Retroarch. Download the quasi88 core and then make a subfolder under retroarch system folder for quasi88 for the roms. I used a set called M88 roms that appears to be working.
The quasi88 core is not supported and has known issues where achievements will not unlock for some games, so use it at your own risk. Any tickets made using the quasi88 core can be closed just because it is unsupported.
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September 22 2023, 6:12pm, last edited August 30 2024, 10:42am
Created 22 Sep, 2023 18:12 by Hexadigital