Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Joined Mar 8, 2023


September 4 2023, 4:18pm, edited August 30 2024, 10:42am

Official Topic Post for discussion about Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Game Boy Advance) Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Game Boy Advance)
Created 3 Sep, 2023 16:19 by VampireLord

Original ideas by: PManningFan1618, StingX2 and SirVG
Set recoded by: VampireLord
Icon by: IDarkReaderW
Badges by: YuriRod50248
Leaderboards by: SirVG
Rich Presence by: VampireLord

1. Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (USA).gba
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (U) [!].gba
castlevania - circle of the moon (usa).bin
RA Checksum: 50a1089600603a94e15ecf287f8d5a1f
CRC32 Checksum: 1CC059A4

2. Castlevania (Europe).gba
Castlevania (E) [!].gba
RA Checksum: b7b0e7a5f8e8bd22ac9f5766d1acef56
CRC32 Checksum: 611535DC

3. Akumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (Japan).gba
CAkumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (J) [!].gba
akumajou dracula - circle of the moon (japan).bin
RA Checksum: 8ddb166cf79606f116f6bdf3e4bdbbe2
CRC32 Checksum: F3E41D73

4. Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (USA).gba + Portuguese translation
RA Checksum: 00adbd6a694f009b7754376b505fa23e
CRC32 Checksum: 6CB5BC1E

Spoiler (Click to show)

Original Topic (Archived)

Joined May 18, 2022

October 15 2023, 4:57am

One achievement just disappeared. What was it and why is it gone?

Joined Jun 25, 2019

October 21 2023, 7:46pm

It shows 110 of 109 Cheevos on my Site?

Joined May 18, 2022

October 21 2023, 7:51pm

Yeah. It was 110 a week ago, but one is gone now.


Joined Jul 17, 2021

November 20 2023, 5:46pm

The demoted cheevo required the use of a glitch that is not exactly Chris Houlihan worthy. I suspect it will stay demoted for the foreseeable future.

I'd rather talk about cheevos that are active, though.

Gods and Goddesses Gods and Goddesses (10) Elemental Master Elemental Master (10)*
Ticket #64874 Ticket #64874
Old Logic:
0xH02d674=1_0xH02d675=1_0xH02d676=1_0xH02d677=1_0xH02d678=1_0xH02d679=1_0xH02d67a=1_0xH02d67b=1_0xH02d67c=1_0xH02d67d=1_R:0xH02d3f4=2_R:0xH000849<10_R:0x 02d358=65535_R:0x 02d358=12801_R:0xH02d7ac=1_0xH000849=196_0xH000849=d0xH000849S0xH02d674=0.60.S0xH02d675=0.60.S0xH02d676=0.60.S0xH02d677=0.60.S0xH02d678=0.60.S0xH02d679=0.60.S0xH02d67a=0.60.S0xH02d67b=0.60.S0xH02d67c=0.60.S0xH02d67d=0.60.

New Logic:
A:d0xH02d674_A:d0xH02d675_A:d0xH02d676_A:d0xH02d677_A:d0xH02d678_A:d0xH02d679_A:d0xH02d67a_A:d0xH02d67b_A:d0xH02d67c_d0xH02d67d=9_A:0xH02d674_A:0xH02d675_A:0xH02d676_A:0xH02d677_A:0xH02d678_A:0xH02d679_A:0xH02d67a_A:0xH02d67b_A:0xH02d67c_M:0xH02d67d=10_Q:0xH02d3f4!=2_Q:0xH000849>=10_Q:0x 02d358!=65535_Q:0x 02d358!=12801_Q:0xH02dffa!=1_0xH02d7ac!=1_0xH000849=196_0xH000849=d0xH000849

While there was no issue with the existing code (I cannot help network issues), I did see ways to improve what was done. Joys of working with older sets I guess. The two cheevos are now measured, and delta checks are used to ensure we go from 9 to 10 of each group. The former Reset Ifs were converted to Measured Ifs, and a new Measured If was added for good measure (rimshot) while the demo played.

It's just a quality of life update, really.

Joined May 18, 2022

November 21 2023, 7:45am, edited November 21 2023, 5:18pm

OK, so no more achievement for performing an item crash with no sub-weapon.


Joined Jul 17, 2021

November 21 2023, 12:38pm

...I think we're talking two different achievements Deozaan. Item crashes with no sub-weapon, while tricky, does sound like something that's not a glitch. I'll read up.


Joined Jul 17, 2021

November 21 2023, 1:36pm

The cheevo that I was thinking of that was demoted involved turning into a skeleton without the correct cards. That has nothing to do with item crashes to my knowledge. The one you want...I want to say is either Shooting Stars Shooting Stars (10) or Richter is Proud! Richter is Proud! (2), both of which are in core right now.

Joined May 18, 2022

November 21 2023, 5:17pm

My first thought based on your description of the demoted cheevo was that Gotcha! Gotcha! (5) was removed. But then I skimmed through the list and saw it was still there. The only other thing I remembered from the set that I assumed was a glitch was Shooting Stars Shooting Stars (10), which I looked for, but didn't see. But I probably missed it because I was looking specifically for "item crash" and not "secret technique" in the description.

But now that I think about it, the two previously mentioned cheevos can be done legitimately (such as in Magician Mode) whereas I do vaguely recall there being an achievement specifically for turning into a skeleton without the correct cards. Thanks for clarifying.

News Manager

Joined Feb 3, 2014

May 9 2024, 4:29pm

Rescore plan

As the only active dev left on this set I want to raise

Retired Shaft Retired Shaft (25) 10 > 25
Dracula's Trusty Ally Dracula's Trusty Ally (25) 10 > 25
Challenge of Gods Challenge of Gods (25) 10 > 25

Joined Jan 16, 2024

July 24 2024, 12:23am, edited July 24 2024, 3:41am

Great set, congratulations to the developers!


Joined Jan 17, 2021

December 3 2024, 10:35am

The icon has been replaced via community vote.

New icon by IDarkReaderW:

Old icon:

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