Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
November 20 2023, 5:46pm
I'd rather talk about cheevos that are active, though.

Old Logic:
0xH02d674=1_0xH02d675=1_0xH02d676=1_0xH02d677=1_0xH02d678=1_0xH02d679=1_0xH02d67a=1_0xH02d67b=1_0xH02d67c=1_0xH02d67d=1_R:0xH02d3f4=2_R:0xH000849<10_R:0x 02d358=65535_R:0x 02d358=12801_R:0xH02d7ac=1_0xH000849=196_0xH000849=d0xH000849S0xH02d674=0.60.S0xH02d675=0.60.S0xH02d676=0.60.S0xH02d677=0.60.S0xH02d678=0.60.S0xH02d679=0.60.S0xH02d67a=0.60.S0xH02d67b=0.60.S0xH02d67c=0.60.S0xH02d67d=0.60.
New Logic:
A:d0xH02d674_A:d0xH02d675_A:d0xH02d676_A:d0xH02d677_A:d0xH02d678_A:d0xH02d679_A:d0xH02d67a_A:d0xH02d67b_A:d0xH02d67c_d0xH02d67d=9_A:0xH02d674_A:0xH02d675_A:0xH02d676_A:0xH02d677_A:0xH02d678_A:0xH02d679_A:0xH02d67a_A:0xH02d67b_A:0xH02d67c_M:0xH02d67d=10_Q:0xH02d3f4!=2_Q:0xH000849>=10_Q:0x 02d358!=65535_Q:0x 02d358!=12801_Q:0xH02dffa!=1_0xH02d7ac!=1_0xH000849=196_0xH000849=d0xH000849
While there was no issue with the existing code (I cannot help network issues), I did see ways to improve what was done. Joys of working with older sets I guess. The two cheevos are now measured, and delta checks are used to ensure we go from 9 to 10 of each group. The former Reset Ifs were converted to Measured Ifs, and a new Measured If was added for good measure (rimshot) while the demo played.
It's just a quality of life update, really.
November 21 2023, 1:36pm

November 21 2023, 5:17pm

But now that I think about it, the two previously mentioned cheevos can be done legitimately (such as in Magician Mode) whereas I do vaguely recall there being an achievement specifically for turning into a skeleton without the correct cards. Thanks for clarifying.
May 9 2024, 4:29pm
As the only active dev left on this set I want to raise

December 3 2024, 10:35am
New icon by IDarkReaderW:

Old icon:

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September 4 2023, 4:18pm, last edited August 30 2024, 10:42am
Created 3 Sep, 2023 16:19 by VampireLord
Original ideas by: PManningFan1618, StingX2 and SirVG
Set recoded by: VampireLord
Icon by: IDarkReaderW
Badges by: YuriRod50248
Leaderboards by: SirVG
Rich Presence by: VampireLord
1. Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (USA).gba
Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (U) [!].gba
castlevania - circle of the moon (usa).bin
RA Checksum: 50a1089600603a94e15ecf287f8d5a1f
CRC32 Checksum: 1CC059A4
2. Castlevania (Europe).gba
Castlevania (E) [!].gba
RA Checksum: b7b0e7a5f8e8bd22ac9f5766d1acef56
CRC32 Checksum: 611535DC
3. Akumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (Japan).gba
CAkumajou Dracula - Circle of the Moon (J) [!].gba
akumajou dracula - circle of the moon (japan).bin
RA Checksum: 8ddb166cf79606f116f6bdf3e4bdbbe2
CRC32 Checksum: F3E41D73
4. Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (USA).gba
RA Checksum: 00adbd6a694f009b7754376b505fa23e
CRC32 Checksum: 6CB5BC1E
Original Topic (Archived)