Grand Theft Auto III
November 14 2022, 1:28pm
King of Liberty City
Unlock all trophies.
First Day on the Job
Complete "Luigi's Girls".
Hunting Season
Destroy five helicopters.
Disposing of the Evidence
Crush a car at the junkyard.
Repeat Offender
Get busted 20 times.
Street Sweeper
Waste 100 gang members.
Population Control
Waste 1,000 people.
If You Ain't Cheatin', You Ain't Tryin'
Blow up 2,000 cars.
By a Mile
Complete the "Turismo" race in under 180 seconds.
Wreckless Driving
Perform a perfect insane stunt.
Wheels Up
Complete 20 unique jumps.
Where we're going, we don't need roads
Complete "Patriot Playground", "A Ride in the Park", "Multi-Story Mayhem", and "Gripped!" missions.
Where To?
Complete 100 taxi fares.
Blood in the Streets
Pass all 20 Rampages.
Play Fetch
Complete the Portland Docks and Shoreside Vale import/export car lists.
Pest Control
Deliver all emergency vehicles to the crane at the Portland Docks.
A Marked Man
Complete "Last Requests".
Offshore Delivery
Complete "A Drop in the Ocean".
Not So Fast
Complete "The Exchange".
A Gift from the King
Complete the "Kingdom Come" mission.
Man Toyz
Complete every RC Toyz mission.
Splish Splash
Extinguish 20 fires during a single Fire Truck mission.
Playing Doctor
Complete Paramedic level 12.
Going Rogue
Kill 20 criminals during one Vigilante mission.
Dirty Money
Amass a fortune of $1,000,000.
Right-hand Man
Earn a criminal rating of 2,500.
Like a Boss
Earn a criminal rating of 5,000 or higher.
Liberty City Secrets
Collect 100 hidden packages.
Is That All You've Got?
Achieve 100% completion.
November 17 2022, 10:18am, last edited November 17 2022, 11:17am
Achievements for unlockable cars: Borgine, BF Injection, Rhino, BF Kuruma. Source
Embarrassing achievement with using replay to extinguish fire doing firefighter mission. Source
Bartender achievement when collecting more than 5 molotovs at once can be funny too. Link.
Reaching ghost town can be nice achievement too.
Doing all RC Toyz missions and 4X4 Missions. Getting all collectables 100 Hidden Packages/20 Rampages/20 Unique Stunt Jumps. Missions from Portland Import/Export Garage, Portland Emergency Vehicle Crane, Shoreside Vale Import/Export Garage. Source
Achievements related to Criminal Rating: Goon, Associate, Right-hand man, Capo, Boss. And "Cheater" for reaching negative criminal rating. Source
Killing 25 gang members in one session. Gang list: Link
Reaching The Hidden Sign: Link
January 11 2023, 6:32pm
Stats - Distance travelled by car (Meters) [Float] appears to be at 0x00416ed4. Looks like they convert it to miles using something like *=0.000621371 ingame
Won't commit this using the tools as it's not clear whether committing code notes is allowed to a game that is already claimed
January 12 2023, 3:43pm
I just want a break from Mercenaries, memory hunting that game really feels like hitting your head against a brick wall sometimes
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November 13 2022, 10:25pm, last edited August 30 2024, 10:42am
Created 13 Nov, 2022 22:25 by xnaivx