Pocket Fighter


Joined Nov 16, 2020


June 2 2022, 5:27am, edited August 30 2024, 10:42am

Official Topic Post for discussion about Pocket Fighter (WonderSwan) Pocket Fighter (WonderSwan)
Created 2 Jun, 2022 05:27 by raniejogos

Pocket Fighter (Japan).ws
RA Hash: e79dddc7db77ad96c52b0b7690f8c1b1

About the game - Strategy Wiki
Moves - Strategy Wiki (1)

(1) Wonderswan is the second option for the super moves.


Joined Nov 16, 2020


June 2 2022, 5:27am

Claiming this game.

Joined Jul 23, 2016

July 19 2022, 11:42am

A good set, but the way to unlock cards seem to be a bit vague, as all the FAQs I saw say it's done by just playing the game (as I see doing the special and super moves unlock cards).


Joined Nov 16, 2020


July 19 2022, 6:28pm, edited August 30 2024, 10:42am

I think the first card you'll obtain finishing arcade mode.
For the moves and special moves: unfortunately, It's totally random. This is the reason that I'm requesting just 50%.

e.g.: You can unlock Ryu's cards by hitting your opponent with his skills: (It's necessary to raise the gem level)
(2 cards) Hadouken
(2 cards) Shouryuuken
(2 cards) Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku

-And you can obtain the special cards by finishing the opponent with a super move (Mighty Combo Finish)
(1 card) Shinkuu Hadouken
(1 card) Boufuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku
(1 card) Reppuu Jinrai Shou

Just repeat the move or mighty combo finish until obtaining the card, the achievement has a meter, so you can check the drop in real time, and don't forget to save your progress on the options.

Joined Apr 26, 2018

October 21 2022, 4:40am, edited October 21 2022, 11:27am

Happy to see a set for WS, it's just so much fun!

Where is the save menu, though?

edit: Don't know how I missed it the first time

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