Duck Tales 2
July 24 2015, 2:20am
1. Niagara Falls: Finish Niagara Falls level (same achievement as the NES version)
2. Bermuda: Finish Bermuda level (same achievement as the NES version)
3. Egypt: Finish Egypt level (same achievement as the NES version)
4. Mu: Finish Mu level (same achievement as the NES version)
5. Scotland: Finish Scotland level (same achievement as the NES version)
6. Unlucky Adventurer: Finish the game with bad ending (same achievement as the NES version)
7. Friendship is the True Treasure: Finish the game with normal ending (same achievement as the NES version)
8. A Trick Up My Hat: Finish the game with good ending (same achievement as the NES version)
9. Lucky Adventurer: Collect all treasures (all end-level and hidden ones; same achievement as the NES version)
10. Map Collected: Collect whole map (same achievement as the NES version)
11. Armored to the Teeth: Collect all pogo upgrades (same achievement as the NES version)
12. Firequacker: Defeat the Firequacker without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
13. Pirate: Defeat the Pirate without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
14. Pharaoh: Defeat the Pharaoh without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
15. Robo Duck: Defeat the Robo Duck without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
16. Sorcerer Duck: Defeat the Sorcerer Duck without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
17. D-1000: Defeat the D-1000 without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)
Achievements I'm proposing that aren't in the NES version:
18. Underground: Finish Underground level
19. Niagara Falls Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Niagara Falls level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
20. Bermuda Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Bermuda level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
21. Egypt Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Egypt level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
22. Mu Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Mu level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
23. Scotland Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Scotland level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
24. Underground Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Underground level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)
25. Mu Puzzle: Raise the underwater portion of Mu by solving the stone-sinking puzzle
26. Egypt Puzzle: Open the gateway leading to the hidden map piece in Egypt by solving the numbered tiles puzzle
27. Healthy and Wealthy: Find both hidden stars increasing Scrooge's life meter to a maximum of 5 HP
28. Masked Mallard: Beat the game in Hard mode
29. X-Ray Vision: Get the X-Ray Glasses
30. Cat or Duck?: Collect 9 lives in the game (by earning them in stages and/or buying them from the Item Shop)
31. Safe From Death: Buy a Safe from the Item Shop
Notes regarding the treasure master achievements:
a. All the treasure master achievements are possible as I've done them already. For the Underground one, a specific route must be taken to get them all.
b. Some treasure chest contents must be sacrificed to get others, but as long as the chests are opened with a pogo jump, they will be counted as being collected.
c. Note that jewels & items not in chests that pop out from the background as Scrooge passes the areas they're hidden count as chests.
d. If it's possible, I recommend tying these treasure master achievements to the same memory addresses the talking treasure chests rely on for how many unopened chests there are left in a stage instead of forcing the player to specifically open the talking chests when there are 0 left because it would save the player from purposely having to backtrack to these chests or in the case of Niagara Falls, lose a life to get back to the talking chest to earn these achievements (as a result of not being able to go back over the collapsing bridge).
July 29 2015, 7:46am, last edited July 29 2015, 8:14am
I'm done making the achievement thumbnails for the numbered list I suggested in the Duck Tales 2 GB forum. Here's a slightly revised list with a few achievement name changes & the corresponding thumbnails:
1. Niagara Falls: Finish Niagara Falls level (same achievement as the NES version)

2. Bermuda: Finish Bermuda level (same achievement as the NES version)

3. Egypt: Finish Egypt level (same achievement as the NES version)

4. Mu: Finish Mu level (same achievement as the NES version)

5. Scotland: Finish Scotland level (same achievement as the NES version)

6. Unlucky Adventurer: Finish the game with bad ending (same achievement as the NES version)

7. Friendship is the True Treasure: Finish the game with normal ending (same achievement as the NES version)

8. A Trick Up My Hat: Finish the game with good ending (same achievement as the NES version)

9. Lucky Adventurer: Collect all treasures (all end-level and hidden ones; same achievement as the NES version)

10. Map Collected: Collect whole map (same achievement as the NES version)

11. Armored to the Teeth: Collect all pogo upgrades (same achievement as the NES version)

12. Firequacker: Defeat the Firequacker without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)

13. Pirate: Defeat the Pirate without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)


15. Robo Duck: Defeat the Robo Duck without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)

16. Sorcerer Duck: Defeat the Sorcerer Duck without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)

17. D-1000: Defeat the D-1000 without taking damage (same achievement as the NES version)

18. Underground: Finish Underground level

19. Niagara Falls Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Niagara Falls level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

20. Bermuda Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Bermuda level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

21. Egypt Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Egypt level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

22. Mu Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Mu level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

23. Scotland Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Scotland level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

24. Underground Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Underground level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened)

25. Mu Puzzle: Raise the underwater portion of Mu by solving the stone-sinking puzzle


27. Egypt Puzzle 2: Break open a passage leading to the Hidden Treasure in Egypt by solving the mirror puzzle

July 29 2015, 11:48am, last edited July 29 2015, 11:55am
1. Niagara Falls: Finish Niagara Falls level: 10 points
2. Bermuda: Finish Bermuda level: 10 points
3. Egypt: Finish Egypt level: 10 points
4. Mu: Finish Mu level: 10 points
5. Scotland: Finish Scotland level: 10 points
6. Unlucky Adventurer: Finish the game with bad ending: 25 points
7. Friendship is the True Treasure: Finish the game with normal ending: 15 points
8. A Trick Up My Hat: Finish the game with good ending: 20 points
9. Lucky Adventurer: Collect all treasures: 10 points
10. Map Collected: Collect whole map: 10 points
11. Armored to the Teeth: Collect all pogo upgrades: 5 points
12. Firequacker: Defeat the Firequacker without taking damage: 10 points
13. Pirate: Defeat the Pirate without taking damage: 10 points
14. King Khufu: Defeat King Khufu without taking damage: 10 points
15. Robo Duck: Defeat the Robo Duck without taking damage: 15 points
16. Sorcerer Duck: Defeat the Sorcerer Duck without taking damage: 10 points
17. D-1000: Defeat the D-1000 without taking damage: 10 points
18. Underground: Finish Underground level: 10 points
19. Niagara Falls Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Niagara Falls level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 20 points
20. Bermuda Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Bermuda level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 20 points
21. Egypt Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Egypt level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 20 points
22. Mu Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Mu level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 20 points
23. Scotland Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Scotland level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 20 points
24. Underground Treasure Master: Collect every treasure in the Underground level (causing the talking treasure chests to say 0 treasure chests unopened): 30 points
25. Mu Puzzle: Raise the underwater portion of Mu by solving the stone-sinking puzzle: 5 points
26. Egypt Puzzle 1: Open the gateway leading to the hidden map piece in Egypt by solving the numbered tiles puzzle: 5 points
27. Egypt Puzzle 2: Break open a passage leading to the Hidden Treasure in Egypt by solving the mirror puzzle: 5 points
28. All Star: Find both hidden stars increasing Scrooge's life meter to a maximum of 5 HP: 10 points
29. Masked Mallard: Beat the game in Hard mode: 20 points
30. X-Ray Vision: Get the X-Ray Glasses: 5 points
31. Cat or Duck?: Collect 9 lives in the game (by earning them in stages and/or buying them from the Item Shop): 5 points
32. Playing It Safe: Buy a Safe from the Item Shop: 5 points
a. I gave the bad ending more points since it's harder to get than the others. The best ending is next in terms of challenging & the normal/middle ending is the easiest to get.
b. I also gave the Underground Treasure Master more points than the other Treasure Master achievements because it requires a specific route or else a bunch of chests become unattainable.
c. I gave Robo Duck more points since he's in my opinion the most challenging boss in the game and the easiest one to take hits while fighting.
August 4 2015, 9:45pm
Thanks Mutawarrior for his list and help, and thanks kid38 for his work about Duck Tales 2's achievements for the NES (

If you found some bugs, tell me !
August 5 2015, 4:23am
Egypt Secret 1: unlocked prematurely when I got the X-Ray Glasses in the Egypt stage (I had not yet gone to the tile puzzle at that point)
Friendship is the True Treasure !: This one did not unlock after I beat the game with money but without collecting all the map pieces, which are the conditions for the Normal ending
A Trick Up My Hat: This one also did not trigger after I beat the game having beaten the game with all 6 stages beaten and the Secret Treasure of McDuck found in the Underground stage.
I'm still trying to figure out how the Treasure Master achuievements work. Because of dropped inputs caused by either the emulator or the DS3 tool I use to play with my PS3 controller, I tend to die because my jumps fail and I think deaths may cause these not to trigger. I'm not sure. I still have to go back & try the Egypt and Underground Treasure Master achievements again. I know I got the talking chest to say there are 0 unopened chests for many stages without the Treasure Master achievements unlocking/triggering but I got the ones I did by going back & doing the stages over again.
Anyway, thanks for the great work and I'm enjoying playing my 2nd favorite Game Boy game this time for achievements, which I've long waited for.
January 4 2019, 6:19pm
1) First of all, i started to play on my RecalBox, and achievement just didn`t pop up. Try all 3 roms (E, U, J). Check login and password - all OK. Check WiFI connection - all OK. Try two another games: Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (PC-Engine) and Battletods (NES)...and "beat first level" achievements pop up. Strange things! Beside of that, previous i already played and mastered 2 game boy games (Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales) on RecalBox.
2) Next I download RAVBA emulator and start playing on PC. On the intro it gives me two cheevos automaticly (X-Ray Vision, Armored to the Teeth), but all another cheevos locked up.
3) On the lasat hope i download RALibretro emulator and here the miracle. Achievements start pop up!
- Play it Safe pop up when I bought continue, not a safe
- Second Youth pop up when i started next level with full life bar
And the last one...still can`t get Scotland Underground achievement. Try two times. On easy and hard. No results. So, I send a ticket issue. Maybe someone could help me get this last cheev and masterd my third GB game! :)
P.S. Thanks to all of you who involved in this amazing achievement list. This was cool and funny! :)
January 5 2019, 12:10am, last edited February 1 2019, 2:16pm
The code for all achievements is adjusted now.
July 5 2020, 9:58am
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May 30 2015, 6:07am, last edited August 30 2024, 10:41am
Created 30 May, 2015 07:07 by Mutawarrior
1. DuckTales 2 (USA).gb
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