Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

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April 25 2020, 3:03pm, edited October 12 2020, 10:55pm

Official Topic Post for discussion about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (Nintendo DS) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (Nintendo DS)
Created 25 Apr, 2020 15:03 by SherryBirkin

1. 1551 - Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (USA).nds
RA Checksum: b1731c9ae7cb1ff05ef9a8ebc361f75c
ROM Checksum: 95a45440731c1055063b77f3cd958099
CRC32 Checksum: 54505BD8


April 25 2020, 3:03pm, edited May 3 2020, 5:09pm

And let's go to close the Ace attorney trilogy, I'm still not sure what Apollo Justice should be like, because I never played it, but I'll see it soon, Anyway ...
I think I will follow the line of achievements of the previous ones, but if someone wants to give ideas feel free.

Junior Developer

Joined Jun 15, 2019

October 12 2020, 7:40pm, edited October 13 2020, 1:59am

Identifying the only one hash linked with this set:

(EDIT: Missed the first post? It's just above you!)

Joined Apr 12, 2018

December 21 2020, 6:18pm

Great set SherryBirkin, I like you work, thanks.
One question: any reason to not create a "Finish the whole trial without making mistakes [Episode 5]" achievement ?
Was it impossible to code ?

December 21 2020, 6:26pm, edited December 21 2020, 6:31pm

No, the only reason is because the last case is always very long, and it would give many achievements.
(And also because this time that I made this set, I had little development experience.)

Joined Apr 12, 2018

December 21 2020, 6:49pm

Ok, they were codded for the first and second episode from the series, no ?
I don't remember.
On my player point of view, it was a little frustrating to get this type of achievement for the first cases but not for the final case...
Anyway, you have the final word, but if you ask me, I think it's cool to have this type of achievement for every Case, specially for the last one, because it's a little harder to get (Even if it's not so hard).


Joined Sep 28, 2020

July 22 2022, 8:54pm

The mastery icon was outvoted and replaced; heres a backup of the old one


Joined Feb 3, 2014

October 15 2022, 11:52pm

Rescore Plan

The general plan is this

Keep the 0 pointers at 0
Keep evidence where it is
Lower Completing all Testimonies to 5
Lower Giving something Special to 1, its missable but its a single obvious choice right before clearing an episode
Keep Episode Clear at 10
Keep No miss at 25

(The rescore tool broke in the site changes ;(....)

Joined Oct 13, 2022

March 4 2023, 4:54pm

Please, add the European spanish version

Joined Feb 11, 2020

July 5 2023, 8:32pm

Mastered! Thank you for the set.

I must also ask for the European spanish version. I think it supported both spanish and italian.

Joined May 6, 2023

July 22 2024, 6:29pm

Chinese Manuscript Banner Chinese Manuscript Banner (3) < I wonder if there's a reason for the name of this achievement? Seems a bit odd since the Fey stuff is all clearly Japanese, not Chinese.

Joined Jul 4, 2021

July 22 2024, 7:02pm

No, absolutely the contrary.

She migrated to japan from her own natural village Khura'in, which is set in a fictional Asian area, but that also includes China amongs others.

So all the fey dynasty is specifically Asian excluding any japanese linking because Fey family uses the Channeling Technique specific of Kura'in Village and their ancestors.

With that being said, the hanging scroll shouldn't be a relic coming from Khura'in specifically, at least not that we know, so it could have been made in japan with no real meaning behind it.

That's as far as i can remember currently.

Joined May 6, 2023

July 22 2024, 7:04pm, edited July 22 2024, 7:37pm

Should probably be careful on spoilers, I could have not played beyond... in terms of just the first 3 games, it's absolutely Japanese, the other stuff was added later.


Joined Mar 23, 2021

July 22 2024, 7:16pm

Nick identifies Chinese characters in Fey Manor back in Reunion and Turnabout. As far as I know, that's all that's stated about the written language of the Fey clan in the English translation. Kanji are Chinese characters used in Japanese, so it's not entirely incorrect.
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