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FIareon 12 Feb 2025 20:28
Understandably, this bullshit made me mad. This is not how you manage this, period. So I got quite angry and sent a fairly angry message after consistent lack of cooperation, care, or transparency from anyone after constant attempts at contact. I wondered when the next rescore proposal was, since I really did not know.

Of course, they had to ignore me one last time, and land the grand-slam K.O. by muting me for being even the slightest bit mean towards their system. They're reading my messages, and are STILL ignoring what I say, what others say, and the general consensus on the proposal. And now, it's making me look bad, because I have no way to provide context due to the mute. So that's why I'm commenting here.

I felt like one of those cartoon characters that get mugged, scream, and then get fined for disturbing the peace. The analogy might not be perfect, but they created a problem, I tried to fix the problem in any way I could, got angry at the problem, then got punished for getting angry at the problem they created and failed to resolve despite having numerous chances to do so.

The 3-3 Flagpole achievement still sits at 5 points to this day.

I hate having to write this, and being muted in the first place. I don't want to start drama and don't have any actual ill will towards anyone. What I want to see is change.

All I ask for is this:

You treat me like a normal user, unmute me, hold the vote for the 3-3 Flagpole achievement, and never treat anyone else like this ever again.
If I somehow get even more punishment for standing up for myself, I'll just be disappointed. Really, really disappointed.

I hope whoever is reading this has a good day. Good luck on everything.
1stPrize 12 Feb 2025 20:35
Aw man, that pretty sucks, really hope ya get unmuted ;) I don't really understand why someone would think you're an alt or something, this account does look legitimate to me -.-" Well... let's hope for the best :D
Bliffy 12 Feb 2025 20:49
This is getting kinda crazy. If its really how you said it, it does sound like bs. I dont understand what their problem with you is tho. Why would they ignore only you? And then they ban you for understandably getting mad for it? Sounds pretty idiotic to me. Some people are just allergic to being logical beings i guess
KattyBat 12 Feb 2025 21:11
ChiiniiTheComet 12 Feb 2025 23:37
I'm very sorry to hear this, Flareon. I wish things could've turned out differently, and that you didn't have to go through this for an entire month. You can try asking WCopeland or Hotscrock or somebody (obviously someone that wasn't related to your being muted) to unmute you, just provide context and show them the thread to examine themselves. If you cannot do that for any reason, I'll try to see if I can do something myself about all this. Just let me know.
ChiiniiTheComet 12 Feb 2025 23:38
Obviously we'll see if that achievement can get the rescore it deserves. Here's hoping.
ChiiniiTheComet 12 Feb 2025 23:45
Though I would make one change so that the achievement's 25 points instead of 50. 50 pointers are reserved for things that make you go through something very hard/long with strict requirements (most of the Gotta Catch 'Em All cheevos in the Pokemon games, as well as heal-less Arena in Kirby Super Star fall into this category. This achievement, based on what I've seen, would sit better amongst the 25-pointers, which do require a good amount of effort but only take 30 minutes at most (assuming you don't insistently die over and over again. Going through 3-1 and 3-2 admittedly isn't as bad as, say, going through all of Super Mario Bros. warped without dying (which is also 25 points, in the main SMB set, for scope)). The frame perfects are difficult, but getting retries isn't terribly awful. 5 points is clearly bullshit (the 1-1 flagpole's 10 points, how did that happen).
ChiiniiTheComet 13 Feb 2025 00:06
Just checking (I never had this confirmed) you can't send DMs if you're muted, can you?
1stPrize 13 Feb 2025 06:18
I recall having read somewhere, that muted users can only DM RAdmin, so that won't work :<
SoshiplayZ 13 Feb 2025 06:22
*sips tea* You need to chill. The change for the achievement is good, but The way you went with it with including all the swearing was not great. It sucks to be muted but what is worse is making a new account to evade the mute which could result in a ban. (which is even worse)

I am not saying this to be a jerk, but I thought you were someone alt with the way you were messing with the code 2 months ago. If you want to show you aren't some meme, then do it with gaining achievement point and climb that ladder.

Hopefully you get unmuted in due time, happy valentines day!
OliviaWants2BePretty 13 Feb 2025 16:04
@ChiiniiTheComet, I can confirm that you can't send DMs while muted
ChiiniiTheComet 13 Feb 2025 18:10
Alright, just checking. I can't actually find the rescore request thread y'all are talking about-
eazytheskeazy 13 Feb 2025 19:32
Situation sucks but RA admins are alright to me so far. You were very persistent in the thread but that doesn’t excuse them ignoring you.

They don’t seem power tripping fucks so maybe you just pressed the wrong button? I get your passion for the set considering all the hard work you’ve poured into it. Sometimes I fly off the handle and leave a pretty negative comment about the set or game.

Just glad they didn’t ban you. Take it as a break from the site or keep hammering away at the SMB set. Rooting for you, dude.

P.S. can you follow back? :)
1stPrize 13 Feb 2025 19:51
@ChiniiTheComet, you can find all the Forum Posts Flareon did on the top of his profile in User stats, there is a stat "Forum Posts" and if you click on the number it should take you to a menu, the newest entry is the one he was muted for
1stPrize 13 Feb 2025 19:53
Clicking on the entry should take you to the message ;>
Tachikomas 13 Feb 2025 21:12
F1areon, you know deep down, that I love you.

I do, I love you.

I genuinely enjoy coming to your comment thread, and catching up. I realize you have been muted. I hadn’t checked in a few days. And I missed all of this. That makes me sad.

That said, everything you said comes from a place of passion, and I agree with you.

But to be candid? Your account doesn’t have many played games on it, you have mastered two basically, and I can understand if they think you’re a troll or an alt account.

I respectfully suggest chilling out, being cool, and not confessing that you may (may) be circumventing any kind of restriction placed on you.

We all are pulling for you, and love you.

Whether it is right or wrong, try to take a deep breath and realize they are human being. Excessively entitled human beings, POS, but still, human.

Appeal to their sensibilities until you get what you want.
ChiiniiTheComet 14 Feb 2025 02:00
Are you trying to turn Flareon into a manipulative monster like what^

Anyways, I read the forum. It does seem like you've been blatantly ignored, but if you'll look many of the other submissions were ignored/not implemented too (based on the achievement scores they linked versus the scores they were requesting). No need to get that upset, it's just an achievement.
spoorloos 14 Feb 2025 09:26
There's a lot of people who sign up in RA just to play one particular game. I think we shouldn't assume a person is an alt or a troll just because they're a bit too passionate about their favorite game. My guess is that people are always looking for someone to dislike to feel better about themselves and Flareon ended up being an easy target
rodrichu 14 Feb 2025 16:16
You appear to be of rash nature Flareon. What about sharing some wiki berries?
ChiiniiTheComet 18 Feb 2025 18:15

still muted, huh?

well, I've got good news, Mario Calculator's ready for CR, but I won't be able to promote it until Friday when I can get on Discord and fix the things that need to be fixed