iae fernando... to oeganizando a terceira edio do torneio de retroachievements... quero te convidar pra participar... se tiver interesse lhe passo o link de inscrio, ou no discord do RA no canal Portuquese deixei o link tambm
Ola. Fernando, se tu ainda estivesse jogando e nao parado desde metade de 2016, atualmente seria o primeiro lugar isolado no ranking, estando com uma larga diferenca do Max. Alias, to passando pra deixar minha assinatura de motivacao tambm ^-^
Vendo as mensagens da epoca, sua frustracao se fundiu com a opiniao destrutiva de seus "colegas" e fez voce tomar uma decisao extrema de sair. Se tivesse pensado com mais carinho, talvez estaria gozando o #1 conosco ou o seu acervo imenso de platinas
Como o site do Retro Achievements sofreu um bug que causou a pane dos avatares das pessoas em 2018, aqui segue um backup do teu ultimo avatar: https://i.imgur.com/Y4qRFTf.png
"Last Activity: 12 Oct 2021, 16:54" mas hein! Primeiro foi o Danmeyer e agora tu. As lendas tao voltando! A velha guarda BR do Retro Achievements ta ficando cada vez maior! :P
E nao, Scott nao permitia cheat aqui no RA. Na verdade, ele apenas colocou as ferramentas do RA nos emuladores de codigo fonte aberto ja criados muitos anos atras. Essa coisa de movie (TAS) era nativo destes emuladores e ate hoje ta presente neles. Como os emuladores usados no RA se baseavam neles, retirar isso significava alterar o codigo fonte deles pra fazer tal feito e AINDA seria necessario GARANTIR QUE AS FERRAMENTAS DO RA FUNCIONASSEM BEM APOS O FEITO! Como sempre e mais facil povo falar besteira do que pensar mais no quao trabalhoso seria pra se alterar algo sem trazer consequencias depois... Esse problema ja NAO existe mais desde 2018.
MarioJunior103 Dec 2021 17:27
Our last activity is updated if we got a manual unlock, and that's what happened here (probably Mystical Ninja or Final Fantasy Tactics Advance), so Fernando is not back to RA yet. Also, he is offline here since 2016 if I recall correctly, so is a waste of time commenting here, you surely have more chances to have an answer if you send him a message on Facebook or YouTube
INFO for newbies and those who are wondered that much: Fernando is quite a famous figure appeared at the dawn of the RA, creating achievements for many of our favorite games and dealt with most of' em like some piece of cake. So, in 2016 the number of cheaters on the site was colossal, it came to the point of absurdity. Some of the subsequently exposed suspicious guys from the top-100 "hardcored" 5-6 games a day. SMB in 24 hours, how'd you like that? Of course, our former comrade FFS didn't arrange such a situation, and he left. Forever. And that's why: I talked to him on Facebook several times, and he absolutely refuses to come back until half-measures to combat cheeky people who're using Cheat Engine and similar sh*t become real measures. Moreover, the conditions for his return are very different from the policy of the site admin team. That's it, unsolvable issue.
P.S. The honourable Portuguese Alex (who frivolously claims that the cheating problem has completely disappeared in 2018) seems to be not paying enough attention to the list of new "heavyweight" natural retro-game-terminators who've achieved amusing & incredible results in a year, and who still continue to fib that they play video games their entire life, leaving comments on the wall of people of the same suss-type. Over the past few years, more than a quarter of my friends left the site because of a massive cheating. Kdecksโs argument that leaderboards shouldn't be taken too seriously (clear allusion to our remarkable deceivers) hasn't convinced themat all.
@Riger, the number of cheaters was colossal due to TAS feature present on original standalone emulators which already had them built-in. This was implemented by original emulator developers ages ago, nothing to do with Scott. So, doing a reverse engineering to remove such a feature and to keep all other functions intact, it's not so easy as many people think. It's NOT a Scott fault that Retro Achievements was full of cheaters at that time. Fernando might said that in a heated moment. If not, he made such a stupid accusation!
What I discovered exploring this side of the past was a considerable amount of Fernando's "colleagues" (some of all people that were commented on his user wall at the time) cheating and vomiting on his head claiming that Retro Achievements is a pretty bad website and full of cheaters. One of them even admitted the use of TAS feature. So, this led me think that he made this stupid decision of leaving the site forever driven by his stupid colleagues allegations that RA is a fraud: some people just want to watch the world burn - specially when you are on TOP on something! :/ If you are in doubt, try checking every user wall of his "colleagues" here on comments dated before 2017 and on link below from WebArchive website extracted at that time. Use Google Translate if you don't understand Portuguese! You can do the same by searching on WebArchive to any user you find suspect that was commenting on his user wall at the time. Checkpoint is from 10 Jan 2017 on his profile - which can be seem here: https://web.archive.org/web/20170110023537/http://retroachievements.org/user/FernandoFFS
Also, there is NO such a way to eliminate cheating forever and nothing is perfect. Even paid achievement websites have problems with cheating! Even with TAS big trouble extincted in 2018, some cheaters may drop by time to time. In any case, we always encourage people to report them to RAdmin with enough proofs to expose their cheating to an Admin and a further action and investigation will be taken on each case! About leaderboards, in past (before 2018-2019), we didn't have such sophisticated methods to prevent exploits on them which can be dealt today. So, many impossible times or impossible scores were common to be seem on some of them at that time. In any case, any obnoxious score/time can be asked to be removed by simply commenting on leaderboard feed or sending a message to any developer/admin or to RAdmin. From now on, RA is evolving more and more each day and what we want is more people that help us to deal with these kind of problems and even to get involved giving your best shot trying to solve some of them technically. This is better than just egg us followed by exposure of a RA faulty feature or just to blame us about certain situations and claiming that it's all Scott's fault... :/
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MarioJunior103 Dec 2021 17:27