Pokémon Blue Version Z
Console icon Game Boy

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This entry is retired.


Red and Blue now share a page.




There are 0 achievements worth 0 (0) points.

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(See all 130)

makenshiwallace 9 Dec 2022 06:52
Im still salty to lose this set, super mario 1 has 3 games across remakes, any other pokemon do not has this treatment in the site why make red and blue merge.
Digifiend 8 Dec 2023 23:10
I'm not surprised there's 32 set requests for this. No other Game Boy game has more than 9. They shouldn't have retired this set, it needs to be restored.
Disturbed2595 27 Jan 2024 19:18
Not really sure why people are saying theyre completely different games. Besides some extremely minor things red/blue are like 98% the same game. It would be too redundant to have cheevos for virtually the same game and honestly I dont know why they didnt have all of the gens merged together with themselves besides the combined standalones (Emerald, platinum etc).
AragornBr 24 Feb 2024 00:28
Gostaria de pokemon blue com conquistas
ATLow 24 Feb 2024 00:42
O Blue tinha um set separado antes, mas ele foi fundido com o Red. Você ainda pode ganhar conquistas jogando o Blue, elas valem para o set compartilhado agora. Esta página é uma sepultura em memória do set antigo e parece improvável que eles voltem a ser separados por um bom tempo.
AceWitDaHoodie 24 Feb 2024 15:55
Ya'll retroarch should make it where every game possible have its own achievement or a combo pack which 2 games in 1
Chickenzes27 15 Mar 2024 20:18
Frankly (coming in years after this happened, mind) I feel that the merge was a good move. It's weird that the other Pokemon sets aren't merged, but Red and Blue really are almost identical. The bonus set even has an achievement for fully completing the Pokedex, which you can only do by playing both versions, if that's what you really really want (and trust me, I *have* played through both Red and Blue to complete the Pokedex in the past). If you can come up with some achievements that would warrant separate sets that aren't just "catch all the version-specific pokemon" (which is already a thing in the merged set anyway), then I would be happy to retract my statement, but as it stands I think the other two-version pairs could stand to be merged as well. Keep the third versions separate though, since those do actually have appreciable differences.
ATLow 15 Mar 2024 20:36
The bonus set achievement for completing the Pokedex isn't about playing both versions and trading (I don't even know if that's legal by RetroAchievements rules), it is about using glitches to complete it. The easiest I know of is the Trainer-Fly glitch.
Slumbo 16 Apr 2024 04:57
Bring it back.
Froste 5 Aug 2024 08:05
Malevolent100 15 Sep 2024 23:31
Damn, wish these hadn't been combined since weirdly enough I would've loved the extra Mastery on my profile.
Also very odd since there's no consistency.

Red and Blue are joined, yet FireRed and LeafGreen are separate.
Whereas Gold and Silver are separate, but their HGSS remakes are joined? Then Gen 3, Diamond&Pearl and Gen 5 keep their titles separate. Curious what the logic was. Since some of the changes between versions absolutely do not justify keeping some separate in comparison to Gen 1 and HGSS. Just strange.
cosmolitano 8 Nov 2024 00:40
It's bad enough that Gamefreak releases the same game TWICE everytime, joining the two games here was the best decision in my opinion, and something that should be considered for every other Pokémon game.
TheNotSoPro893 11 Nov 2024 01:23
Horrible choice merging these in my opinion, made even worse by the fact that there is no consistency between Pokemon games. If you want to merge them fine, but to merge some pokemons and not others is really wierd. I don't even care that much that they merged them but it's that fact that really makes it seem wrong.
OmegaVideoGameGod 15 Nov 2024 02:10
Should definitely add more achievements
Slackot 23 Nov 2024 05:49
I unironically hope all gens get merged :3c
PhilTheStampede 6 Dec 2024 02:17
I unironically hope all sets get unmerged.
ChiiniiTheComet 16 Jan 2025 15:09
If the sets for Pokemon sister games were different enough I'd say keep them unmerged but for the most part it's just the same damn thing over and over again. Beat the Gym Leaders, maybe have some level restrictions, Catch Chansey or whatever bullshit Pokemon's plaguing the Gen, do some side stuff, the Pokemon Contests if the Gen has it, complete the single-player Pokedex. Honestly, at that point, it's just the fact that Pokemon games are at their core pretty much the same exact experience every time, but the sets don't need to reflect that...
ChiiniiTheComet 16 Jan 2025 15:12
It would be interesting if both Pokemon sets were focused on something different. For example, Red could be focused on battling, training Pokemon, and beating every Trainer in the game. Blue's set, on the other hand, could be focused on collecting Pokemon, completing the Pokedex, and collecting items. Those have always been the two sides of the Pokemon franchise, and is the reason it's such a popular series, because it appeals to so many. I feel like the sets are too far past these potential revisions because so many users on here have already gotten the existing achievements, effectively dooming both this set and all other Pokemon sets as a whole. RIP, Pokemon Blue, you are missed.
ChiiniiTheComet 16 Jan 2025 15:16
Also, in that system I mentioned above, that means there would actually be a reason to go in and master both games, because then you've mastered both aspects of the Gen ONCE, without having to go in and redo all of your hard work in both sets (barring Progression, since that can't be helped). Both games would have something fresh and different to offer.
Ap0calyptic1 31 Jan 2025 19:08
Granted there's more to the games, but Ruby/Sapphire did something similar. Ruby is more Pokedex and completion; Sapphire is more contest and ribbon-related. I really like what they did with those 2 sets.