Dino Crisis
September 6, 2000
There are 77 achievements worth 740 (2,576) points.
It Wasn't Purple.....
(2) (2)
Beaten Game Credit
Encounter your first (real) Dino and then live to talk about it
Beaten Game Credit
196 (135) of 199 โ 98.49% unlock rate
67.84% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode98.49% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sometimes it's Better to Run
(10) (20)
Beaten Game Credit
During the Locker Room ambush, get the DDK Code Disk and get out without killing the Velociraptor or getting hurt
Beaten Game Credit
42 (38) of 199 โ 21.11% unlock rate
19.10% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.11% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Scare off the T-Rex during your first encounter in the Chief's Office
Beaten Game Credit
56 (45) of 199 โ 28.14% unlock rate
22.61% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode28.14% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Friggin' T-Rex...
(10) (22)
Beaten Game Credit
Escape the first T-Rex attack in the Chief's Office without attacking or taking damage
Beaten Game Credit
42 (33) of 199 โ 21.11% unlock rate
16.58% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.11% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Knight in Shining...Kevlar...
(2) (2)
Get saved by Gail when ambushed in the Lecture Room
77 (64) of 199 โ 38.69% unlock rate
32.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode38.69% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Yup, better get used to this...
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill a Velociraptor that ambushes you in the Office Hallway without running away
Beaten Game Credit
33 (27) of 199 โ 16.58% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Holding the Line
(5) (17)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill a Velociraptor that ambushes you in the Control Room Hall
Beaten Game Credit
22 (19) of 199 โ 11.06% unlock rate
9.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Restore power to the facility's underground levels
Beaten Game Credit
84 (68) of 199 โ 42.21% unlock rate
34.17% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode42.21% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tommy Boy
(3) (4)
Beaten Game Credit
Follow Rick's advice and track down your comrade in need
Beaten Game Credit
65 (52) of 199 โ 32.66% unlock rate
26.13% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode32.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
What a Shame...
(3) (5)
Beaten Game Credit
Find Tom after he's sacrificed himself to save Rick
Beaten Game Credit
62 (51) of 199 โ 31.16% unlock rate
25.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mad Doctor
(3) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Follow Gail's advice and gain eyes on the man who caused this
Beaten Game Credit
33 (30) of 199 โ 16.58% unlock rate
15.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Regina the Plumber
(5) (8)
Restore power to the Large Size Elevator in no more than 6 moves (exit room to retry)
51 (46) of 199 โ 25.63% unlock rate
23.12% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode25.63% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Pteranodon Soup
(3) (4)
Beaten Game Credit
When grabbed by a Pteranodon, chop it to pieces in revenge
Beaten Game Credit
76 (64) of 199 โ 38.19% unlock rate
32.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode38.19% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
An Act of God?
(5) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Seems like something...or maybe "someone" didn't want you going back that way...
Beaten Game Credit
27 (21) of 199 โ 13.57% unlock rate
10.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.57% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
This Will Require Your CRANEnium
(10) (14)
Solve the first crane puzzle using no more than 6 moves (Exit room to retry)
76 (64) of 199 โ 38.19% unlock rate
32.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode38.19% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cannibalism Will Not Be Tolerated
(5) (12)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill all the Compsognathuses feasting on a corpse of a fellow Dino
Beaten Game Credit
34 (29) of 199 โ 17.09% unlock rate
14.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode17.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Shocking Defeat
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill the Velociraptor that ambushes you from behind some wire netting without shooting it
Beaten Game Credit
65 (56) of 199 โ 32.66% unlock rate
28.14% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode32.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
PhD? Eh, it's just a Title...
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain a Researcher's Credentials for the sake of the Mission
Beaten Game Credit
73 (62) of 199 โ 36.68% unlock rate
31.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode36.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Wrong Floor, Asshole...
(5) (9)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill the Velociraptor that ambushes you in the elevator without running away
Beaten Game Credit
52 (42) of 199 โ 26.13% unlock rate
21.11% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode26.13% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Breathe...Just Breathe...
(10) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Collect the B1 Key Chip having saved the Researcher in the Gas Room...if only for an extra moment...
Beaten Game Credit
62 (51) of 199 โ 31.16% unlock rate
25.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Who's Your Daddy now, B*tch!?
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
In the Gas Experiment Room, change the gas setting to "Dinosaur"
Beaten Game Credit
70 (59) of 199 โ 35.18% unlock rate
29.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode35.18% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
It Pays to be Nice
(5) (14)
Beaten Game Credit
Get some extra supplies from an emergency case in the Medical Room
Beaten Game Credit
30 (23) of 199 โ 15.08% unlock rate
11.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ooohh...Pretty Lights...
(5) (9)
Beaten Game Credit
Play with that fancy portal thingy until something happens!
Beaten Game Credit
46 (41) of 199 โ 23.12% unlock rate
20.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode23.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Brain Games
(10) (17)
Beaten Game Credit
Be a Smarty Pants like Rick and complete the puzzle needed to open the Simulation Room's Escape Hatch
Beaten Game Credit
54 (46) of 199 โ 27.14% unlock rate
23.12% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode27.14% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Gail "Leeroy" Jenkins
(10) (38)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill at least 7 Velociraptors while following Gail towards the mission target
Beaten Game Credit
20 (17) of 199 โ 10.05% unlock rate
8.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Mission Accompolished?
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Help Gail catch Dr. Kirk and prepare to get the hell out of there
Beaten Game Credit
68 (57) of 199 โ 34.17% unlock rate
28.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode34.17% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Clever (Human) Girl...
(10) (24)
Beaten Game Credit
Escape the T-Rex on the antenna walkway without taking damage
Beaten Game Credit
34 (29) of 199 โ 17.09% unlock rate
14.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode17.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
It Is Just Like Nemesis!
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Try to escape...then witness the T-Rex ruin it...
Beaten Game Credit
67 (57) of 199 โ 33.67% unlock rate
28.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode33.67% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Join the Dino Olympics
(25) (100)
Beaten Game Credit
In the Heliport, escape the T-Rex in 30 seconds or less without taking damage
Beaten Game Credit
18 (16) of 199 โ 9.05% unlock rate
8.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
All Those Lil' F***ers Must Die
(5) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill all the Compsognathuses that burrowed underground
Beaten Game Credit
24 (21) of 199 โ 12.06% unlock rate
10.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Nice Try, Big Scary Dino...
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Without running away, kill both Therizinosauruses after they try to booby trap you
Beaten Game Credit
31 (27) of 199 โ 15.58% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Real CRANEiac!
(10) (36)
Using no more than 4 turns and 15 moves, complete the 2nd Crane Puzzle and then collect the DDK Input Disc W (exit room to retry)
19 (18) of 199 โ 9.55% unlock rate
9.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Just Like Rockfort Island
(25) (95)
Beaten Game Credit
Grab the B2 Key Chip 1 in the Security Pass Room without setting the alarm off
Beaten Game Credit
18 (17) of 199 โ 9.05% unlock rate
8.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ha! It really is pea-brained!
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Watch the T-Rex try and fail to resume its pursuit of you
Beaten Game Credit
36 (27) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
What was that?? Another Earthquake???
(10) (42)
Beaten Game Credit
Just barely miss the T-Rex knocking itself out cold at the Large Size Elevator
Beaten Game Credit
16 (15) of 199 โ 8.04% unlock rate
7.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Missed You, Buddy...
(25) (106)
Beaten Game Credit
Take back what's rightfully yours much longer after you realistically should've
Beaten Game Credit
16 (15) of 199 โ 8.04% unlock rate
7.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Feeling Blue, boys?
(5) (18)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill both Blue Raptors when they first ambush you without running away
Beaten Game Credit
22 (18) of 199 โ 11.06% unlock rate
9.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Allergic to Blue
(10) (36)
Beaten Game Credit
In the first Blue Raptor Ambush, grab the Key Card Lv. C and enter the Stabilizer Design Room without taking damage or trying to shoot the raptors
Beaten Game Credit
20 (18) of 199 โ 10.05% unlock rate
9.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Nowhere is Safe Anymore
(5) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill a Therizinosaurus that ambushes you in the Rest Station
Beaten Game Credit
25 (21) of 199 โ 12.56% unlock rate
10.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Too Early to "Think With Portals"
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Find out that a rather inconvienient obstacle is blocking your way
Beaten Game Credit
36 (27) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Should Find Work as a DNA Analyst...
(10) (42)
In the Security Pass Room, solve the Stack Puzzle in no more than 6 moves (Exit Room to Retry)
17 (15) of 199 โ 8.54% unlock rate
7.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
What an Ego...
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Unlock the Door to the Third Energy Reactor using Dr. Kirk's favorite password
Beaten Game Credit
36 (27) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
At the Scene of the Crime
(5) (14)
Collect a sample of Dr. Kirk's fingerprint without actually seeing him
31 (24) of 199 โ 15.58% unlock rate
12.06% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Go Work for Umbrella, You Loony...
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Learn the truth behind this incident from Dr. Kirk
Beaten Game Credit
36 (27) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Science is Fun!
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Go with Rick's idea and build new Third Energy Parts by yourself
Beaten Game Credit
26 (22) of 199 โ 13.07% unlock rate
11.06% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.07% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Science is for Losers
(10) (29)
Beaten Game Credit
Go with Gail's idea and fight through the dinos to get some ready made Third Energy Parts
Beaten Game Credit
29 (23) of 199 โ 14.57% unlock rate
11.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.57% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Enough With the Ambushes!
(5) (17)
Beaten Game Credit
Kill the Blue Raptor that ambushes you in the Power Frequency Room
Beaten Game Credit
21 (19) of 199 โ 10.55% unlock rate
9.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Does that make me a Doctor!?
(10) (26)
Beaten Game Credit
Gain Dr. Kirk's Security Clearance
Beaten Game Credit
36 (27) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
13.57% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Get the Third Energy Reactor operational for your escape plan
Beaten Game Credit
36 (28) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
14.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Don't Worry! I'll Save You!
(10) (45)
Beaten Game Credit
Push back the T-Rex without circling around or using more than 6 grenades, and make sure a poor little trinket can come home with you safe
Beaten Game Credit
15 (14) of 199 โ 7.54% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Running Away from Loose Ends
(10) (32)
Beaten Game Credit
Escape the island per Rick's request...even if it ultimately makes this all for nothing...
Beaten Game Credit
24 (21) of 199 โ 12.06% unlock rate
10.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Conspiracy? Of Course...
(5) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Recapture Dr. Kirk and listen to Gail's final words
Beaten Game Credit
25 (20) of 199 โ 12.56% unlock rate
10.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mission. Until the Very End.
(10) (33)
Beaten Game Credit
Complete your real mission...but at what cost?
Beaten Game Credit
25 (20) of 199 โ 12.56% unlock rate
10.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Just Needed to Distract Them...
(5) (17)
Beaten Game Credit
Help Rick save Gail...then catch that bastard Dr. Kirk
Beaten Game Credit
21 (19) of 199 โ 10.55% unlock rate
9.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Remember, He's No Use to Us Dead
(5) (21)
Beaten Game Credit
Find a way off the island BEFORE helping Gail catch Dr. Kirk
Beaten Game Credit
18 (15) of 199 โ 9.05% unlock rate
7.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shortcut to Total Victory
(10) (42)
Reach the escape Heliport using a hidden shortcut
18 (15) of 199 โ 9.05% unlock rate
7.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Conquering Your Frozen Fear
(10) (38)
Beaten Game Credit
While escaping to the Heliport, defeat the T-Rex without taking damage or moving, and using only 6 grenades
Beaten Game Credit
20 (17) of 199 โ 10.05% unlock rate
8.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
See, No Loss of Comrades Needed!
(10) (34)
Beaten Game Credit
Completely accomplish your mission using Rick's way
Beaten Game Credit
21 (19) of 199 โ 10.55% unlock rate
9.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Always See the Mission to the End
(10) (45)
Beaten Game Credit
Completely accomplish your mission using Gail's way
Beaten Game Credit
17 (14) of 199 โ 8.54% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Only Possible with Mad Skills
(25) (112)
Reach all 3 possible endings
16 (14) of 199 โ 8.04% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Unlock Operation Wipeout...and get ready to take vengeance on these dino freaks!
36 (28) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
14.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
No Regina Sandwich Needed
(2) (2)
Obtain the Shotgun (repeat playthroughs don't count)
154 (118) of 199 โ 77.39% unlock rate
59.30% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode77.39% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Obtain the Grenade Gun
65 (56) of 199 โ 32.66% unlock rate
28.14% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode32.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Fully Upgrade the Handgun
60 (52) of 199 โ 30.15% unlock rate
26.13% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode30.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Not "a" Shotgun. "THE" Shotgun!
(5) (13)
Fully Upgrade the Shotgun
31 (25) of 199 โ 15.58% unlock rate
12.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Make Dinos Go BOOM!!!
(5) (13)
Fully Upgrade the Grenade Gun
33 (25) of 199 โ 16.58% unlock rate
12.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Maximum Toxicity
(10) (22)
Mix and create a Poison Dart
39 (33) of 199 โ 19.60% unlock rate
16.58% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode19.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Eh, it's a Living
(5) (24)
Use a Fish as a Weapon
14 (13) of 199 โ 7.04% unlock rate
6.53% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dressed for Battle
(5) (12)
Obtain the Army and Battle Costumes
36 (28) of 199 โ 18.09% unlock rate
14.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Modern Stone Age Mercenary
(5) (19)
Obtain the Ancient Costume
19 (17) of 199 โ 9.55% unlock rate
8.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dino Time Crisis
(25) (112)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game in 2 hours 30 minutes or less
Beaten Game Credit
17 (14) of 199 โ 8.54% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Complete the game in one session without saving
Beaten Game Credit
19 (16) of 199 โ 9.55% unlock rate
8.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Perfect Speedrun
(100) (451)
Beaten Game Credit
Complete the game in 2 hours 30 minutes or less without saving and without dying...and potentially net yourself some infinite grenades early!
Beaten Game Credit
17 (14) of 199 โ 8.54% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dino Hunter
(5) (22)
Complete Mission 1 of Operation Wipeout
17 (14) of 199 โ 8.54% unlock rate
7.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dino Exterminator
(5) (24)
Complete Mission 2 of Operation Wipeout
16 (13) of 199 โ 8.04% unlock rate
6.53% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dino Predator
(10) (51)
Complete Mission 3 of Operation Wipeout
15 (12) of 199 โ 7.54% unlock rate
6.03% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Demon to Mesozoic Life
(25) (129)
Complete Operation Wipeout within 8 minutes and 30 seconds
14 (12) of 199 โ 7.04% unlock rate
6.03% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode
Recent Players
Player | When | Progress | Activity |
Oricalle | 25 Jan 2025, 6:59pm |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: Main Entrance 1F | Difficulty: Easy | Health: 2180 | Number of Saves: 2 | Continues Remaining: 5 | Time Elapsed: 19:10 |
edu013 | 25 Jan 2025, 12:14pm |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: The Backyard | Difficulty: Easy | Health: 2400 | Number of Saves: 0 | Continues Remaining: 5 | Time Elapsed: 6:20 |
teejaystots | 25 Jan 2025, 4:10am |
Playing Dino Crisis |
orangepeelbeef | 25 Jan 2025, 3:50am |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: Carrying Out Room B3 | Difficulty: Normal | Health: 557 | Number of Saves: 22 | Continues Remaining: 4 | Time Elapsed: 3h39:51 |
Mikedrika | 25 Jan 2025, 2:48am |
On the main menu |
LemyAtom | 25 Jan 2025, 2:29am |
Playing Dino Crisis |
badgoku666 | 25 Jan 2025, 1:19am |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: Passageway to the Backup Generator | Difficulty: Normal | Health: 1200 | Number of Saves: 0 | Continues Remaining: 5 | Time Elapsed: 9:30 |
DaniloZlatan | 24 Jan 2025, 10:14pm |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: Carrying Out Room B3 | Difficulty: Normal | Health: 950 | Number of Saves: 0 | Continues Remaining: 5 | Time Elapsed: 0:00 |
messysquire | 24 Jan 2025, 9:56pm |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: Backyard of the Facility | Difficulty: Normal | Health: 1200 | Number of Saves: 0 | Continues Remaining: 5 | Time Elapsed: 1:26 |
dhurzan | 24 Jan 2025, 9:27pm |
Current Mission: Operation Dr. Kirk | Location: General Weapons Store | Difficulty: Normal | Health: 900 | Number of Saves: 11 | Continues Remaining: 2 | Time Elapsed: 2h17:41 |
Recent comments
(See all 46)
Hopefully my comment didn't sound impolite. I was worrying on getting exactly same set or some rush set. As a dino crisis fan, I rather have no set compare to repeat exactly same set to deceive some retro points. Good to know u didn't plan to do it.
Again thanks very much for your input.
Undesirable just thought I ask, I looked at your other sets and you make some very good sets.
Soul Reaver on DC is the same just better looking and with higher framerate and nothing else.
Like I said better a copy set than no set IMHO, I wouldn't call it deceiving as you still need to play and beat the game that takes time and effort plus it gives the player a good reason to replay a good game on a different platform and notice how different it is.
Plus it wouldn't be right for the people who grew up with DC on DC to make their version progression or challenges only, and force them to play a different version, not to mention then people would also get into arguments on which set is better which wouldn't be good.
Mainly I want to see if I can add extra achievements for killing dinos from some of the ambushes, as well as playthrough stuff like I mentioned before.
Also going to look at Operation Wipeout to see if there's any possibility of doing killcount achievements with certain weapons, as the main game doesn't seem to track killed enemies in an easy way.
Please let me know if you have any issues, and make sure to provide a save state so I can look into it.
Really busy atm with Challenge league cause I got to play Dragon Quest but I can't wait to jump into this eventualy!
Thanks for the set!
The set itself is really well made, and has a few fun little challenges and whatnot. The no death no save run seems daunting, but I did it on my third playthrough after a few resets at the very beginning I managed to do it """first""" try. Just make sure you stack 4 healing items, as many buckshot/grenades as you can carry and as many M Darts & Poison Darts as you can craft for the second half of the game. Ez pz! ๐โโ๏ธ ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ