Metroid Prime
November 18, 2002
There are 62 achievements worth 525 (1,367) points.
Oh No You Don't!
(10) (21)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat the Parasite Queen before she fires her plasma breath.
Beaten Game Credit
246 (232) of 1,052 โ 23.38% unlock rate
22.05% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode23.38% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Chain Reaction
(3) (3)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat the Parasite Queen.
Beaten Game Credit
889 (793) of 1,052 โ 84.51% unlock rate
75.38% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode84.51% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Outrunning the Explosions
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Escape the Orpheon with 4:00 or more remaining on the self-destruct timer.
Beaten Game Credit
154 (148) of 1,052 โ 14.64% unlock rate
14.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.64% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Follow That Dragon
(3) (3)
Beaten Game Credit
Successfully escape the pirate frigate and land safely on Tallon IV.
Beaten Game Credit
818 (729) of 1,052 โ 77.76% unlock rate
69.30% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode77.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Totemally Explosive
(5) (6)
Beaten Game Credit
Recover your Missile Launcher capability after a stinging experience.
Beaten Game Credit
629 (570) of 1,052 โ 59.79% unlock rate
54.18% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode59.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Let Me Roll On Over
(5) (6)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Morph Ball
Beaten Game Credit
605 (552) of 1,052 โ 57.51% unlock rate
52.47% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode57.51% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Taking the Hint
(5) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Charge Beam after getting the Thermal Visor.
Beaten Game Credit
182 (175) of 1,052 โ 17.30% unlock rate
16.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode17.30% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
We Are All Charged Up!
(5) (6)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Charge Beam.
Beaten Game Credit
534 (490) of 1,052 โ 50.76% unlock rate
46.58% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode50.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Buzzing Blaze
(5) (6)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Morph Ball Bombs.
Beaten Game Credit
547 (504) of 1,052 โ 52.00% unlock rate
47.91% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode52.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Less Reflection, More Illuminating Skill
(10) (20)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Flaahgra without it prematurely flipping a mirror back to its sunshine-reflecting state.
Beaten Game Credit
265 (250) of 1,052 โ 25.19% unlock rate
23.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode25.19% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Water Looks Varia Good Now
(10) (13)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Varia Suit.
Beaten Game Credit
505 (464) of 1,052 โ 48.00% unlock rate
44.11% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode48.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
No Need for a Boost
(5) (11)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Space Jump before getting the Boost Ball.
Beaten Game Credit
227 (213) of 1,052 โ 21.58% unlock rate
20.25% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rolling On High
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Boost Ball.
Beaten Game Credit
466 (430) of 1,052 โ 44.30% unlock rate
40.87% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode44.30% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Boing Boing
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Space Jump Boots.
Beaten Game Credit
475 (438) of 1,052 โ 45.15% unlock rate
41.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode45.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Wave Beam.
Beaten Game Credit
441 (409) of 1,052 โ 41.92% unlock rate
38.88% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode41.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Artifact of Nature before acquiring Super Missiles.
Beaten Game Credit
213 (203) of 1,052 โ 20.25% unlock rate
19.30% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode20.25% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Packing More of a Punch
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Super Missile beam combo.
Beaten Game Credit
420 (390) of 1,052 โ 39.92% unlock rate
37.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode39.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Darkness!? No Problem!
(5) (7)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Thermal Visor.
Beaten Game Credit
416 (387) of 1,052 โ 39.54% unlock rate
36.79% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode39.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Thardus without using the Thermal Visor.
Beaten Game Credit
221 (213) of 1,052 โ 21.01% unlock rate
20.25% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.01% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Magnets? How Do They Work?
(10) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Spider Ball.
Beaten Game Credit
391 (364) of 1,052 โ 37.17% unlock rate
34.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode37.17% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hold Still Please
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Ice Beam.
Beaten Game Credit
377 (352) of 1,052 โ 35.84% unlock rate
33.46% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode35.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Buoyancy Beyond Bounds
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Gravity Suit.
Beaten Game Credit
353 (334) of 1,052 โ 33.56% unlock rate
31.75% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode33.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Bomb to End All Bombs
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Power Bombs.
Beaten Game Credit
337 (317) of 1,052 โ 32.03% unlock rate
30.13% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode32.03% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I am Tarzan
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Grapple Beam.
Beaten Game Credit
331 (313) of 1,052 โ 31.46% unlock rate
29.75% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.46% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Unseen World
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the X-Ray Visor.
Beaten Game Credit
334 (314) of 1,052 โ 31.75% unlock rate
29.85% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.75% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I Make You Melt
(5) (8)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Plasma Beam.
Beaten Game Credit
336 (314) of 1,052 โ 31.94% unlock rate
29.85% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.94% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Never Gonna Let You Up
(25) (68)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Omega Pirate without letting him ever fully regenerate his armor.
Beaten Game Credit
175 (170) of 1,052 โ 16.63% unlock rate
16.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.63% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
To Be Corrupted
(10) (18)
Beaten Game Credit
Obtain the Phazon Suit.
Beaten Game Credit
318 (298) of 1,052 โ 30.23% unlock rate
28.33% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode30.23% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Archaeological Bounty
(10) (18)
Beaten Game Credit
Collect all of the Chozo Artifacts.
Beaten Game Credit
304 (284) of 1,052 โ 28.90% unlock rate
27.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode28.90% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Stunning Victory
(25) (79)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Meta-Ridley without taking any damage after his wings are destroyed.
Beaten Game Credit
147 (142) of 1,052 โ 13.97% unlock rate
13.50% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.97% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Meta-Riddled with Beam Blasts
(10) (19)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat your nemesis at the Artifact Temple.
Beaten Game Credit
295 (279) of 1,052 โ 28.04% unlock rate
26.52% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode28.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Pooling Your Resources
(25) (115)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Metroid Prime's Essence before its fourth phase change.
Beaten Game Credit
94 (91) of 1,052 โ 8.94% unlock rate
8.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.94% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Truly in My Prime
(25) (48)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Metroid Prime.
Beaten Game Credit
290 (273) of 1,052 โ 27.57% unlock rate
25.95% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode27.57% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Celestial Pest Control
(5) (14)
Defeat the Parasite Queen on Hard Mode.
159 (155) of 1,052 โ 15.11% unlock rate
14.73% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.11% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
No Singular Consciousness
(10) (31)
Defeat the Hive Totem and collect the Missile Launcher on Hard Mode.
147 (143) of 1,052 โ 13.97% unlock rate
13.59% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.97% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Barbed Bug Blazing for Ballish Bombs
(5) (16)
Destroy the Incinerator Drone and recover your Morph Ball Bombs on Hard Mode.
142 (138) of 1,052 โ 13.50% unlock rate
13.12% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.50% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Blast Away the Shade and Let Out the Sun
(10) (33)
Defeat Flaahgra and obtain the Varia Suit on Hard Mode.
139 (135) of 1,052 โ 13.21% unlock rate
12.83% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.21% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
No Barriers in Your Way
(10) (34)
Defeat Sheegoth and collect the Wave Beam on Hard Mode.
134 (130) of 1,052 โ 12.74% unlock rate
12.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.74% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hard Rock for Climbing
(10) (35)
Defeat Thardus and obtain the Spider Ball on Hard Mode.
129 (125) of 1,052 โ 12.26% unlock rate
11.88% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.26% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hard Fought Consequence-Generator
(10) (38)
Defeat the Omega Pirate and obtain the Phazon Suit on Hard Mode.
116 (112) of 1,052 โ 11.03% unlock rate
10.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.03% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Defeat Meta-Ridley on Hard Mode.
115 (111) of 1,052 โ 10.93% unlock rate
10.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.93% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hyper and Unphazed
(50) (193)
Defeat Metroid Prime on Hard Mode.
116 (112) of 1,052 โ 11.03% unlock rate
10.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.03% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Obtain the Wavebuster beam combo.
342 (320) of 1,052 โ 32.51% unlock rate
30.42% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode32.51% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sheet of Frostiness
(5) (9)
Obtain the Ice Spreader beam combo.
280 (268) of 1,052 โ 26.62% unlock rate
25.48% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode26.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Burn to a Crisp
(5) (9)
Obtain the Flame Thrower beam combo.
306 (287) of 1,052 โ 29.09% unlock rate
27.28% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode29.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Frigate Foresight
(1) (1)
Beaten Game Credit
Download the Map of the Frigate Orpheon.
Beaten Game Credit
891 (783) of 1,052 โ 84.70% unlock rate
74.43% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode84.70% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Verdant Viewing
(5) (10)
Visit every room in the Tallon Overworld.
274 (260) of 1,052 โ 26.05% unlock rate
24.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode26.05% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Chozo Intuition
(1) (1)
Download the Map of Chozo Ruins.
598 (544) of 1,052 โ 56.84% unlock rate
51.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode56.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Visit every room in the Chozo Ruins.
298 (282) of 1,052 โ 28.33% unlock rate
26.81% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode28.33% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Magma Traverser
(5) (9)
Visit every room in the Magmoor Caverns.
314 (295) of 1,052 โ 29.85% unlock rate
28.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode29.85% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cold as Ice
(1) (1)
Download the Map of Phendrana Drifts.
405 (375) of 1,052 โ 38.50% unlock rate
35.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode38.50% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Frosty Frontier Focus
(5) (9)
Visit every room in the Phendrana Drifts.
280 (263) of 1,052 โ 26.62% unlock rate
25.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode26.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Pirate Pathfinding
(3) (5)
Download the Map of the Phazon Mines.
323 (303) of 1,052 โ 30.70% unlock rate
28.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode30.70% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Neck Deep in Phazon
(5) (9)
Visit every room in the Phazon Mines.
295 (278) of 1,052 โ 28.04% unlock rate
26.43% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode28.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Becoming a Bit of a Pack Rat
(5) (7)
Achieve 25% item completion.
402 (374) of 1,052 โ 38.21% unlock rate
35.55% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode38.21% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Achieve 50% item completion.
332 (313) of 1,052 โ 31.56% unlock rate
29.75% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode31.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Every Nook and Cranny
(10) (25)
Achieve 100% item collection to unlock Image Gallery IV.
191 (186) of 1,052 โ 18.16% unlock rate
17.68% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Samus Builds a Game Manual
(10) (23)
Beaten Game Credit
Completely fill out the Research section of the Log Book.
Beaten Game Credit
214 (206) of 1,052 โ 20.34% unlock rate
19.58% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode20.34% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Visual Prowess
(3) (4)
Achieve a 25% scan rate.
458 (426) of 1,052 โ 43.54% unlock rate
40.49% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode43.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Illustrative Imaging
(5) (8)
Achieve a 50% scan rate to unlock Image Gallery I.
369 (349) of 1,052 โ 35.08% unlock rate
33.17% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode35.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Beaten Game Credit
Achieve a 100% scan rate to unlock Image Gallery II.
Beaten Game Credit
149 (144) of 1,052 โ 14.16% unlock rate
13.69% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tallon Trackstar
(25) (111)
Beaten Game Credit
Complete the game with 3:30 or less on the in-game timer.
Beaten Game Credit
98 (95) of 1,052 โ 9.32% unlock rate
9.03% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.32% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode
Recent Players
Player | When | Progress | Activity |
skullwall | 10 Dec 2024, 10:54am |
US-02 โข Samus is exploring Pirate Frigate Orpheon at Deck Beta Conduit Hall โข 0.86% Scan Rate โข 8/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 8/28 Rooms Visited [4:57] |
LordButthurt | 10 Dec 2024, 10:26am |
US-02 โข Samus is exploring Chozo Ruins at Save Station 1 โข 32.17% Scan Rate โข 11/99 Items โข 1/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 41/64 Rooms Visited [1h45:10] |
pandaman999 | 10 Dec 2024, 9:37am |
US-02 โข Samus is exploring Pirate Frigate Orpheon at Emergency Evacuation Area โข 0.86% Scan Rate โข 8/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 4/28 Rooms Visited [3:53] |
KrystalizedKey | 10 Dec 2024, 9:10am |
US-02 โข Samus has completed her mission! โข 84.34% Scan Rate โข 72/99 Items [13h35:06] |
LASCARIUS | 10 Dec 2024, 8:35am |
PAL โข Preparing for exploration... |
gunzerker | 10 Dec 2024, 6:25am |
US-00 โข Samus is exploring Tallon Overworld at Alcove โข 3.47% Scan Rate โข 1/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 2/44 Rooms Visited [15:01] |
Arenity | 10 Dec 2024, 5:13am |
PAL โข Samus is exploring Pirate Frigate Orpheon at Exterior Docking Hangar โข 0.00% Scan Rate โข 8/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 1/28 Rooms Visited [2:08] |
retrojess | 10 Dec 2024, 4:21am |
US-00 โข Samus is exploring Pirate Frigate Orpheon at Air Lock โข 0.00% Scan Rate โข 8/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 2/28 Rooms Visited [1:58] |
tanukiOnRA | 10 Dec 2024, 3:51am |
Playing Metroid Prime |
AdamM | 10 Dec 2024, 3:11am |
US-02 โข Samus is exploring Pirate Frigate Orpheon at Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma โข 2.60% Scan Rate โข 8/99 Items โข 0/12 Chozo Artifacts โข 13/28 Rooms Visited [14:28] |
Recent comments
(See all 112)
On a related note, are there protections in place for things like killing Thardus with a powerbomb? Because that essentially instant kills him, rendering the leaderboard (and a challenge achievement) pointless. Funnily enough, I think that Thardus challenge achievement is the only one made easier by the additional simple sequence breaks you can do, and I don't think any non-Thardus leaderboards would be affected beyond the full-game speedrun ones.
did almost 3 whole playthroughs: first was a any% style run in normal mode, second was 100% scans and item collection in hard mode, third was pseudo any% to get the thermal before charge beam and omega pirate 1 cycle achievements. A bit pissed because I technically got the omega pirate 1 cycle in my first playthrough but didn't notice that it registered.
ah well, was a super fun time overall, tackling prime 2 cheevos next :)
A patch was apparently proposed but in any case it remains a little too restrictive for a simple achievement so "Pooling Your Resources" should be demoted or replaced by something else IMO.
Finally mastered my favorite Metroid game. Prime will always be a precious game to me, and every time I play it I seem to always learn something new. This was especially true in doing the achievements for it. Overall this was an amazing set to do, even if some of the challenges were frustrating at times.