Tiny Toon Adventures

There are 54 achievements worth 531 (3,012) points.
The Hills
(10) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Hills and defeat Dr.Gene Splicer.
Beaten Game Credit
1,763 (1,039) of 5,291 โ 33.32% unlock rate
19.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode33.32% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Wetlands
(10) (21)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Wetlands and defeat the Pirate Captain.
Beaten Game Credit
1,180 (666) of 5,291 โ 22.30% unlock rate
12.59% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode22.30% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Trees
(10) (25)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Threes and defeat the Wolf-Man.
Beaten Game Credit
958 (538) of 5,291 โ 18.11% unlock rate
10.17% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode18.11% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Junkyard
(10) (32)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Junkyard and defeat Kong.
Beaten Game Credit
766 (392) of 5,291 โ 14.48% unlock rate
7.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.48% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Wackyland
(10) (33)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Wackyland by finding all GoGos.
Beaten Game Credit
744 (382) of 5,291 โ 14.06% unlock rate
7.22% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Montana Max's Mansion
(25) (92)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish Montana Max's Mansion and defeat Montana Max.
Beaten Game Credit
671 (339) of 5,291 โ 12.68% unlock rate
6.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Imperial Bonus!
(10) (45)
Enter the Bonus Stage and defeat Duck Vader.
659 (265) of 5,291 โ 12.46% unlock rate
5.01% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.46% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Buster Mania
(25) (202)
Finish the Game as Buster Bunny without switching the Characters. [No Code]
198 (141) of 5,291 โ 3.74% unlock rate
2.66% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.74% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Toons
(5) (25)
Finish a Stage with each one of the 4 playable Characters at least once.
408 (233) of 5,291 โ 7.71% unlock rate
4.40% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.71% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Heartless Toons Adventures
(50) (445)
Finish the Game without picking up the heart
180 (127) of 5,291 โ 3.40% unlock rate
2.40% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.40% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hamton's Best Customer
(10) (63)
Visit all Hamton's Exchange Shops.
250 (185) of 5,291 โ 4.73% unlock rate
3.50% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.73% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hamton's Exchange
(1) (1)
Get an Extra Life from Hamton in exchange for 30 Carrots.
3,904 (2,055) of 5,291 โ 73.79% unlock rate
38.84% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode73.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hamton's Big Exchange
(5) (9)
Get 3 Extra Lives at once from Hamton in exchange for 90 Carrots.
1,362 (777) of 5,291 โ 25.74% unlock rate
14.69% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode25.74% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hamton's Mega Exchange
(10) (26)
Give Hamton 210 Carrots in total. [No Continue]
842 (524) of 5,291 โ 15.91% unlock rate
9.90% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode15.91% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots I
(10) (11)
Collect every carrot on Hills 1 stage
3,463 (1,872) of 5,291 โ 65.45% unlock rate
35.38% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode65.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots II
(10) (12)
Collect every carrot on Hills 2 stage
2,927 (1,670) of 5,291 โ 55.32% unlock rate
31.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode55.32% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots III
(10) (21)
Collect every carrot on Wetlands Coast stage
1,155 (692) of 5,291 โ 21.83% unlock rate
13.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.83% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots IV
(10) (29)
Collect every carrot on Trees Outside stage
776 (447) of 5,291 โ 14.67% unlock rate
8.45% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.67% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots V
(10) (37)
Collect every carrot on Junkyard Streets stage
630 (336) of 5,291 โ 11.91% unlock rate
6.35% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.91% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Cup of Carrots VI
(10) (38)
Collect every carrot on Junkyard stage
638 (324) of 5,291 โ 12.06% unlock rate
6.12% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Collect all of the hearts on the Hills stage
1,816 (1,103) of 5,291 โ 34.32% unlock rate
20.85% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode34.32% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Collect all of the hearts on the Wetlands stage
1,151 (688) of 5,291 โ 21.75% unlock rate
13.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.75% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hearty Toons Adventures III (Trees)
(5) (16)
Collect all of the hearts on the Trees stage
679 (387) of 5,291 โ 12.83% unlock rate
7.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.83% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Collect all of the hearts on the Junkyard stage
509 (302) of 5,291 โ 9.62% unlock rate
5.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hearty Toons Adventures V (Finale)
(5) (33)
Collect all of the hearts on the Wackyland and Montanna Max's Mansion stages
295 (175) of 5,291 โ 5.58% unlock rate
3.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Heart Protection
(1) (1)
Get a Heart to protect you against the enemies.
5,254 (2,622) of 5,291 โ 99.30% unlock rate
49.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode99.30% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Double Heart
(1) (1)
Get an Extra Life from a Balloon while having a Heart.
1,878 (1,085) of 5,291 โ 35.49% unlock rate
20.51% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode35.49% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Commercial Break
(1) (1)
Get a Stop Watch to freeze time and the enemies.
2,650 (1,572) of 5,291 โ 50.09% unlock rate
29.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode50.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Buster's Favorite
(1) (1)
Have 99 Carrots at once.
1,747 (1,065) of 5,291 โ 33.02% unlock rate
20.13% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode33.02% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
9 Lives
(1) (1)
Have 9 Lives at once.
1,618 (852) of 5,291 โ 30.58% unlock rate
16.10% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode30.58% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Cliffraiders Test
(10) (49)
Finish Hills 1 with Buster and Plucky not touching the lowest level of ground
301 (240) of 5,291 โ 5.69% unlock rate
4.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.69% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Daredevils Test
(10) (49)
Finish Hills 1 with Buster and Dizzy defeating 12 enemies and not turning back
298 (245) of 5,291 โ 5.63% unlock rate
4.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.63% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cuddly Torreador I (Hills)
(5) (18)
As Buster keep avoiding Elmyra for 20 seconds and then exit
446 (335) of 5,291 โ 8.43% unlock rate
6.33% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.43% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cuddly Torreador II (Wetlands)
(5) (30)
As Buster stay on same floor with Elmyra for 20 seconds and then exit
283 (193) of 5,291 โ 5.35% unlock rate
3.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.35% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cuddly Torreador III (Tree)
(5) (33)
As Buster stay on same floor with Elmyra for 20 seconds and then exit
252 (173) of 5,291 โ 4.76% unlock rate
3.27% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cuddly Torreador IV (Junkyard)
(5) (37)
As Buster stay on same floor with Elmyra for 20 seconds and then exit
216 (152) of 5,291 โ 4.08% unlock rate
2.87% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Bunny Hopping
(10) (50)
As Buster, jump on 4 enemies in a row without landing. [Stage Select OK]
378 (236) of 5,291 โ 7.14% unlock rate
4.46% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.14% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Duck Duck Swim
(10) (67)
As Plucky, reach the Exit in Stage 2-2 under 40 seconds. [Stage Select OK]
219 (172) of 5,291 โ 4.14% unlock rate
3.25% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.14% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dizzy Spin
(10) (81)
As Dizzy, defeat 6 enemies with a single Tornado Spin. [Stage Select OK]
196 (140) of 5,291 โ 3.70% unlock rate
2.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.70% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Furrball Highrise
(10) (62)
As Furrball, reach the Ballon in Stage 4-3 under 60 seconds. [Stage Select OK]
251 (186) of 5,291 โ 4.74% unlock rate
3.52% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.74% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes I (Hills)
(10) (23)
Finish Hills and defeat Dr.Gene Splicer without dying.
1,150 (598) of 5,291 โ 21.74% unlock rate
11.30% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode21.74% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes II (Wetlands)
(10) (50)
Finish Wetlands and defeat the Pirate Captain without dying. [No stage select]
611 (238) of 5,291 โ 11.55% unlock rate
4.50% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes III (Trees)
(10) (64)
Finish all Trees stages and defeat the Wolf-Man without dying. [No stage select]
516 (180) of 5,291 โ 9.75% unlock rate
3.40% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.75% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes IV (Junkyard)
(10) (82)
Finish all the Junkyard stages and defeat Kong without dying. [No stage select]
423 (137) of 5,291 โ 7.99% unlock rate
2.59% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.99% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes V (Wackyland)
(25) (244)
Reach and finish all Wackyland stages by finding all GoGo's without dying. [No stage select]
294 (115) of 5,291 โ 5.56% unlock rate
2.17% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tiny Heroes VI (Montana Max's Mansion)
(25) (261)
Reach and finish Montana Max's Mansion and defeat Max without dying. [No stage select]
271 (107) of 5,291 โ 5.12% unlock rate
2.02% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Limited Toons I (Wackyland)
(10) (55)
Reach and finish Wackyland by finding all GoGo's without Continue. [No Code]
506 (211) of 5,291 โ 9.56% unlock rate
3.99% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Limited Toons II (Montana Max's Mansion)
(10) (73)
Reach and finish M. Max's Mansion and defeat Max without Continue. [No Code]
420 (156) of 5,291 โ 7.94% unlock rate
2.95% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.94% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dr.Gene Splicer
(10) (34)
Defeat Dr.G.Splicer staying on middle part of the stage (counting from 1st hit)
548 (375) of 5,291 โ 10.36% unlock rate
7.09% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Pirate Captain
(10) (79)
Defeat Pirate Captain not touching ground or top (counting from 1st hit)
234 (144) of 5,291 โ 4.42% unlock rate
2.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.42% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Wolverine
(10) (69)
Defeat the Wolverine staying on the right platform (counting from 1st hit)
281 (167) of 5,291 โ 5.31% unlock rate
3.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.31% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(10) (78)
Defeat Kong staying on the right ramp (counting from 1st hit)
394 (145) of 5,291 โ 7.45% unlock rate
2.74% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Montana Max
(10) (71)
Defeat Montana Max without breaking any coins
311 (162) of 5,291 โ 5.88% unlock rate
3.06% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.88% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Duck Vader
(10) (79)
Defeat Duck Vader without jumping on the troppas
225 (144) of 5,291 โ 4.25% unlock rate
2.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.25% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode
Recent Players
Player | When | Progress | Activity |
![]() |
13 Feb 2025, 9:59pm |
Buster/Dizzy in Montanna Max's Mansion (6-1) | ๐ฐ:2[โ ] ๐ฅ:0 ๐:3 โฐ:196 ๐ฏ:100 |
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13 Feb 2025, 7:03pm |
Furrball/Buster in Hills 1 (1-1) | ๐ฐ:2[โค] ๐ฅ:38 ๐:0 โฐ:000 ๐ฏ:14000 |
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13 Feb 2025, 5:18pm |
Buster/Plucky in Skyscraper (4-4) | ๐ฐ:9[โค] ๐ฅ:99 ๐:3 โฐ:138 ๐ฏ:110700 |
![]() |
13 Feb 2025, 4:38pm |
Plucky/Buster in Pirate Ship (2-4) | ๐ฐ:5[โ ] ๐ฅ:18 ๐:1 โฐ:189 ๐ฏ:45000 |
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13 Feb 2025, 2:57pm |
Furrball/Buster in Escaping Elmyra in Junkyard (4-3) | ๐ฐ:9[โ ] ๐ฅ:99 ๐:3 โฐ:152 ๐ฏ:135300 |
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13 Feb 2025, 12:53pm |
Playing Tiny Toon Adventures |
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13 Feb 2025, 10:12am |
Buster/Furrball in Hills 1 (1-1) | ๐ฐ:1[โ ] ๐ฅ:11 ๐:0 โฐ:186 ๐ฏ:100 |
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13 Feb 2025, 9:25am |
Plucky/Buster in Fighting Montanna Max (6-2) | ๐ฐ:9[โค] ๐ฅ:9 ๐:0 โฐ:169 ๐ฏ:114300 |
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13 Feb 2025, 6:28am |
Furrball/Buster in Fighting Montanna Max (6-2) | ๐ฐ:2[โ ] ๐ฅ:0 ๐:0 โฐ:179 ๐ฏ:1100 |
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13 Feb 2025, 3:14am |
Furrball/Buster in Trees Outside (3-1) | ๐ฐ:8[โค] ๐ฅ:95 ๐:2 โฐ:086 ๐ฏ:70700 |
Recent comments
(See all 45)
Xeamark13 Jun 2021 06:01You can only use STAGE SELECT in the japanese version!! And trust me, stage select is reaaaally useful for this set, especially for the specific Elmyra's and main chars' cheevos!
Had a lot of fun with this set and I love the fact that the devs, allowed us to use STAGE SELECT in certain levels but not in all of them.
It was a challeging, fun and ANNOYING set (you know, reaching and finishing the game without dying, DAMN, not easy at all lol.)
Tips for those who are going after this mastery:
-You can die in the "no hearts achievement" but I'm not sure about using continues.
-You can easily defeat the Gorilla in spite of the RNG if you use Plucky vs him. I uploaded a vid which may help you out:
-Just use softcore mode until you feel you've mastered a level. Otherwise, the "no dying cheevo" will be an everlasting nightmare. What's more, even though you become quite an expert, you'll lose randomly in stages/parts you don't usually lose.
Fortunatly, you will always have some hearts which will save your a$$ lol.
Gamequs19 Nov 2024 02:01Similar to Willianna. I beat the game and the progression achievements don't activate, but other achievements do. why?
Gamequs20 Nov 2024 00:34"Nestopia no es un nรบcleo compatible y no puede exponer parte de la memoria, lo que hace que los logros no funcionen. Utilice un nรบcleo compatible como Mesen o FCEUmm".
Gracias a ladynadiad por la aclaraciรณn.
โ ๏ธ Note: The NESTOPIA core does not support progression achievements and Cuddly Torreador II, III and IV achievements.
"Nestopia is not a supported core and fails to expose some memory which causes achievements to not work. Please use a supported core such as Mesen or FCEUmm".
Thanks to ladynadiad for the clarification.
Gamequs21 Nov 2024 02:13Esquiva a Elmyra pero haz que ella choque con alguna pared y se quedara mirando hacia el frente mientras le revolotean los corazones sobre su cabeza. Ahora, ACERCATE A ELLA Y PEGATE A SU LADO SIN TOCARLA, no te perseguira a menos que tu te alejes. De esta forma podras completar estos logros facilmente, a mi no me salieron los logros con el truco de selecion de niveles de la version japonesa, pero igual puede servirte para practicar
(en la pantalla del titulo de la version japonesa del juego presiona Arriba, Derecha, Abajo, Izquierda, Arriba, Derecha, Abajo, Izquierda, B, A, Select, Select, Select & Start).
ENGLISH: A tip for the Cuddly Torreador II, III and IV achievements:
Dodge Elmyra but make her hit a wall and she will stare straight ahead while her hearts flutter above her head. Now, APPROACH HER AND STICK TO HER SIDE WITHOUT TOUCHING HER, she will not chase you unless you walk away. This way you can complete these achievements easily, I didn't get the achievements with the level selection trick of the Japanese version, but it can still be used to practice (On the title screen of the Japanese version of the game, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, B, A, Select, Select, Select & Start).