The King of Fighters '97 | The King of Fighters '97 Plus
There are 112 achievements worth 755 (2,470) points.
Esaka Forever '97
(10) (21)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Kyo, 2-Benimaru, 3-Goro (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
187 (112) of 1,321 – 14.16% unlock rate
8.48% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rumbling on the City '97
(10) (25)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Leona, 2-Ralf, 3-Clark (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
138 (88) of 1,321 – 10.45% unlock rate
6.66% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Seoul Road '97
(10) (28)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Kim, 2-Chang, 3-Choi (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
125 (79) of 1,321 – 9.46% unlock rate
5.98% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.46% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Chestnuts and Forever '97
(10) (25)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Terry, 2-Andy, 3-Joe (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
147 (92) of 1,321 – 11.13% unlock rate
6.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.13% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Psycho Soldier Remix 97
(10) (28)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Athena, 2-Sie, 3-Chin (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
120 (78) of 1,321 – 9.08% unlock rate
5.90% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Bloody '97
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Yashiro, 2-Shermie, 3-Chris (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
109 (71) of 1,321 – 8.25% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.25% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Kamikirimushi '97
(10) (24)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Ryo, 2-Robert, 3-Yuri (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
145 (96) of 1,321 – 10.98% unlock rate
7.27% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.98% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Fairy '97
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Chizuru, 2-Mai, 3-King (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
112 (73) of 1,321 – 8.48% unlock rate
5.53% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.48% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
C62 ~White Country Ver.2~ KOF97
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Ryuji, 2-Mary, 3-Billy (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
110 (71) of 1,321 – 8.33% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.33% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cool JAM ~Arashi no Saxophone 3~
(10) (26)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Iori (both others free of choice) (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
135 (85) of 1,321 – 10.22% unlock rate
6.43% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode10.22% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Still Green
(10) (30)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Shingo, 2-Kyo (3rd one free of choice) (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
105 (71) of 1,321 – 7.95% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.95% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Control Crisis
(10) (31)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Orochi Iori, 2-Orochi Leona (3rd one free of choice) (P1)
104 (68) of 1,321 – 7.87% unlock rate
5.15% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.87% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rhythmic Hallucination
(10) (30)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Orochi Yashiro, 2-Orochi Shermie, 3-Orochi Chris (P1)
113 (72) of 1,321 – 8.55% unlock rate
5.45% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Sacred Force
(10) (30)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Kyo, 2-Iori, 3-Chizuru (P1)
117 (71) of 1,321 – 8.86% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.86% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - '94 Females
(10) (33)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-King, 2-Mai, 3-Yuri (P1)
96 (65) of 1,321 – 7.27% unlock rate
4.92% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.27% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Old SNK
(10) (32)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Ralf, 2-Clark, 3-Athena (P1)
96 (66) of 1,321 – 7.27% unlock rate
5.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.27% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Sidekick
(10) (34)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Benimaru, 2-Joe, 3-Kim (P1)
91 (61) of 1,321 – 6.89% unlock rate
4.62% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.89% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Superstar
(10) (33)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Kyo, 2-Terry, 3-Ryo (P1)
101 (63) of 1,321 – 7.65% unlock rate
4.77% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.65% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Distant Desire
(10) (34)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Terry, 2-Mary, 3-Joe (P1)
93 (62) of 1,321 – 7.04% unlock rate
4.69% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Famitsu
(10) (34)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Chang, 2-Choi, 3-Ryuji (P1)
91 (61) of 1,321 – 6.89% unlock rate
4.62% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.89% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Mix of Fighters '97 - Fiery Vigor
(10) (34)
Finish the game playing only as a team (initial select): 1-Kyo, 2-Billy, 3-Mai (P1)
93 (61) of 1,321 – 7.04% unlock rate
4.62% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Origin of Mind
(10) (32)
Finish the game in Single Play mode (P1)
82 (66) of 1,321 – 6.21% unlock rate
5.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.21% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Origin of Collective Mind
(10) (22)
Beaten Game Credit
Finish the game in Team Play mode (P1)
Beaten Game Credit
154 (108) of 1,321 – 11.66% unlock rate
8.18% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Basics '97 I
(1) (1)
Perform a Quick Recovery (P1)
450 (182) of 1,321 – 34.07% unlock rate
13.78% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode34.07% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Basics '97 II
(1) (2)
Perform a Guard Cancel Roll (P1)
121 (74) of 1,321 – 9.16% unlock rate
5.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Basics '97 III
(2) (4)
Perform a Guard Cancel Attack (P1)
220 (112) of 1,321 – 16.65% unlock rate
8.48% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.65% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Basics '97 IV
(1) (1)
Perform a taunt (P1)
443 (163) of 1,321 – 33.54% unlock rate
12.34% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode33.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Basics '97 V
(5) (13)
Successfully perform Team Assistance while being stunned (can't get hit at the same time)
192 (82) of 1,321 – 14.53% unlock rate
6.21% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.53% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Saishuu Kessen Ougi Orochi Nagi
(5) (14)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Kyo Kusanagi not changing characters (P1)
97 (76) of 1,321 – 7.34% unlock rate
5.75% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.34% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Electro Raikoken
(5) (15)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Benimaru Nikaido not changing characters (P1)
85 (68) of 1,321 – 6.43% unlock rate
5.15% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.43% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Jigoku Gokuraku Bukko Meki Ura Nage
(5) (17)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Goro Daimon not changing characters (P1)
73 (60) of 1,321 – 5.53% unlock rate
4.54% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.53% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Power Angle Geyser
(5) (15)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Terry Bogard not changing characters (P1)
88 (71) of 1,321 – 6.66% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cho Reppa Ryusei Ken
(5) (16)
Session successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Andy Bogard not changing characters (P1)
81 (67) of 1,321 – 6.13% unlock rate
5.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.13% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Screw Hurricane Tiger Kakato
(5) (15)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Joe Higashi not changing characters (P1)
83 (69) of 1,321 – 6.28% unlock rate
5.22% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.28% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Haoh Ryu Ken
(5) (16)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Ryo Sakazaki not changing characters (P1)
80 (65) of 1,321 – 6.06% unlock rate
4.92% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shokoh Ko Juudan Kyaku
(5) (17)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Robert Garcia not changing characters (P1)
74 (59) of 1,321 – 5.60% unlock rate
4.47% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ken Houou Rekkou
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Yuri Sakazaki not changing characters (P1)
71 (57) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
V Gravity Spark
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Leona Heidern not changing characters (P1)
73 (58) of 1,321 – 5.53% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.53% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Bari Bari Umanori Phantom
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Ralf Jones not changing characters (P1)
72 (58) of 1,321 – 5.45% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ultra Argentine Three
(5) (17)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Clark Still not changing characters (P1)
74 (59) of 1,321 – 5.60% unlock rate
4.47% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shining Crystal Arrow
(5) (20)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Athena Asamiya not changing characters (P1)
66 (51) of 1,321 – 5.00% unlock rate
3.86% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shin Ryuu Tenbu Seiou Man O Kuu
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Sie Kensou not changing characters (P1)
71 (56) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Gou Ran En Shourai
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Chin Gentsai not changing characters (P1)
71 (56) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ichimen 85 Katsu Rai no Fui Jin
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Chizuru Kagura not changing characters (P1)
72 (58) of 1,321 – 5.45% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cho Hissatsu Houou Chou no Mai
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Mai Shiranui not changing characters (P1)
71 (58) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Illusion Flash
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as King not changing characters (P1)
70 (56) of 1,321 – 5.30% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.30% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Bai Houhoh Tenbu Kyaku
(5) (16)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Kim Kaphwan not changing characters (P1)
77 (63) of 1,321 – 5.83% unlock rate
4.77% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.83% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shin! Chouzetsu Houou Kyaku
(5) (16)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Choi Bounge not changing characters (P1)
77 (63) of 1,321 – 5.83% unlock rate
4.77% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.83% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Million Bash Impact
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all fully charged Super Desperation Moves playing as Yashiro Nanakase not changing characters (P1)
68 (56) of 1,321 – 5.15% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Tekkyu Dai Bousou Assatsu
(5) (19)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Chang Koehan not changing characters (P1)
67 (54) of 1,321 – 5.07% unlock rate
4.09% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.07% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Shermie Carnival Flash
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves (full combo) playing as Shermie not changing characters (P1)
72 (58) of 1,321 – 5.45% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Chain Slide Drive
(5) (20)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Chris not changing the characters (P1)
61 (51) of 1,321 – 4.62% unlock rate
3.86% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Guillotine Drill
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Ryuji Yamazaki not changing characters (P1)
72 (58) of 1,321 – 5.45% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
M. Typhoon Rose Swing
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Blue Mary not changing characters (P1)
68 (55) of 1,321 – 5.15% unlock rate
4.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Cho Kaen Dai Senpuu
(5) (17)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Billy Kane not changing characters (P1)
71 (59) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.47% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Kin 1211 Shiki Ya Sakazuki
(5) (15)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Iori Yagami not changing characters (P1)
87 (71) of 1,321 – 6.59% unlock rate
5.37% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.59% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ge Shiki Kake Burning Shingo
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Shingo Yabuki not changing characters (P1)
69 (57) of 1,321 – 5.22% unlock rate
4.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.22% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ankoku Jigoku Araburu Hoeru Daichi
(5) (20)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Orochi Yashiro not changing characters (P1)
59 (49) of 1,321 – 4.47% unlock rate
3.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.47% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ankoku Raiko Genei Shinshi
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Orochi Shermie not changing characters (P1)
68 (56) of 1,321 – 5.15% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ankoku Orochi Gouka
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Orochi Chris not changing characters (P1)
69 (57) of 1,321 – 5.22% unlock rate
4.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.22% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Orochi Ura 108 Shiki Ya Otome
(5) (17)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Orochi Iori not changing characters (P1)
77 (59) of 1,321 – 5.83% unlock rate
4.47% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.83% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Orochi Rebel Slasher Storm
(5) (19)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as Orochi Leona not changing characters (P1)
64 (52) of 1,321 – 4.84% unlock rate
3.94% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ura 108 Shiki Orochi Nagi
(5) (18)
Successfully perform all Super Desperation Moves playing as '94 Kyo Kusanagi not changing characters (P1)
68 (57) of 1,321 – 5.15% unlock rate
4.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
4th Fire
(5) (15)
Win a perfect fight in Team Play mode (P1)
120 (72) of 1,321 – 9.08% unlock rate
5.45% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Teammates Are Bored
(10) (10)
Beat a team without losing a round (P1)
973 (352) of 1,321 – 73.66% unlock rate
26.65% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode73.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Gaia's Disappointment
(10) (25)
Defeat Orochi not losing any round (P1)
128 (92) of 1,321 – 9.69% unlock rate
6.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.69% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Knockdown Fighters
(10) (29)
Win a round by KO using only Knockdown Attack (P1)
106 (76) of 1,321 – 8.02% unlock rate
5.75% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.02% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Ring of Fighters '97
(10) (39)
Finish the game in Survivor mode (P1)
69 (53) of 1,321 – 5.22% unlock rate
4.01% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.22% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Quick of Fighters '97
(10) (42)
Finish the game in Survivor mode within 10 minutes or less (P1)
62 (48) of 1,321 – 4.69% unlock rate
3.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.69% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Slick of Fighters '97
(10) (33)
Score 400000 points or more in Survival mode (P1)
80 (64) of 1,321 – 6.06% unlock rate
4.84% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.06% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Rankings '97
(10) (33)
Score 400000 points or more in Team Play mode (P1)
86 (63) of 1,321 – 6.51% unlock rate
4.77% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.51% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Strikers '97
(10) (32)
Finish the game in Team Play mode without using roll (P1)
90 (67) of 1,321 – 6.81% unlock rate
5.07% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.81% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Radicals '97
(10) (22)
Finish the game in Team Play mode without activating the POW gauge (P1)
193 (105) of 1,321 – 14.61% unlock rate
7.95% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode14.61% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(25) (81)
Finish the game in Team Play mode on the expert level (P1)
88 (66) of 1,321 – 6.66% unlock rate
5.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.66% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Fighters '97 1CC
(25) (66)
Finish the game in Team Play mode using only 1 credit ( AES Mode )
125 (85) of 1,321 – 9.46% unlock rate
6.43% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.46% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Advanced of Fighters '97
(10) (16)
Finish the game in Team Play mode using Advanced Mode (P1)
367 (173) of 1,321 – 27.78% unlock rate
13.10% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode27.78% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The Extra of Fighters '97
(10) (32)
Finish the game in Team Play mode using only Extra Mode (P1)
90 (66) of 1,321 – 6.81% unlock rate
5.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.81% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 15 hits playing as Kyo Kusanagi (P1, could use P2 assistance)
74 (58) of 1,321 – 5.60% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 11 hits playing as Benimaru Nikaido (P1, could use P2 assistance)
72 (58) of 1,321 – 5.45% unlock rate
4.39% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.45% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Powerful Judo Hits '97
(5) (17)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 3 hits playing as Goro Daimon (P1, could use P2 assistance)
78 (62) of 1,321 – 5.90% unlock rate
4.69% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.90% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 13 hits playing as Terry Bogard (P1, could use P2 assistance)
61 (48) of 1,321 – 4.62% unlock rate
3.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 22 hits playing as Andy Bogard (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (45) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 13 hits playing as Joe Hagashi (P1, could use P2 assistance)
103 (81) of 1,321 – 7.80% unlock rate
6.13% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 28 hits playing as Ryo Sakazaki (P1, could use P2 assistance)
98 (78) of 1,321 – 7.42% unlock rate
5.90% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.42% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 28 hits playing as Robert Garcia (P1, could use P2 assistance)
91 (72) of 1,321 – 6.89% unlock rate
5.45% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.89% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 28 hits playing as Yuri Sakazaki (P1, could use P2 assistance)
64 (51) of 1,321 – 4.84% unlock rate
3.86% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 13 hits playing as Leona Haidern (P1, could use P2 assistance)
71 (56) of 1,321 – 5.37% unlock rate
4.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.37% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 13 hits playing as Ralf Jones (P1, could use P2 assistance)
113 (85) of 1,321 – 8.55% unlock rate
6.43% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.55% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 6 hits playing as Clark Still (P1, could use P2 assistance)
64 (51) of 1,321 – 4.84% unlock rate
3.86% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Psychic Power Hits '97
(5) (22)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 34 hits playing as Athena Asamiya (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (45) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Wing Chun Hits '97
(5) (22)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 21 hits playing as Sie Kensou (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (46) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.48% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Zui Quan Hits '97
(5) (18)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 27 hits playing as Chin Gentsai (P1, could use P2 assistance)
68 (55) of 1,321 – 5.15% unlock rate
4.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.15% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 28 hits playing as Chizuru Kagura (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (47) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 31 hits playing as Mai Shiranui (P1, could use P2 assistance)
51 (43) of 1,321 – 3.86% unlock rate
3.26% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.86% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 20 hits playing as King (P1, could use P2 assistance)
76 (62) of 1,321 – 5.75% unlock rate
4.69% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.75% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 24 hits playing as Kim Kaphwan (P1, could use P2 assistance)
53 (45) of 1,321 – 4.01% unlock rate
3.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.01% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Power Strike Hits '97
(5) (23)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 18 hits playing as Chang Koehan (P1, could use P2 assistance)
51 (43) of 1,321 – 3.86% unlock rate
3.26% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.86% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Speed Brawling Hits '97
(5) (22)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 30 hits playing as Choi Bounge (P1, could use P2 assistance)
53 (45) of 1,321 – 4.01% unlock rate
3.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.01% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Power Attack Hits '97
(5) (20)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 27 hits playing as Yashiro Nanakase (P1, could use P2 assistance)
60 (49) of 1,321 – 4.54% unlock rate
3.71% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Throw Attack Hits '97
(5) (21)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 4 hits playing as Shermie (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (48) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 15 hits playing as Chris (P1, could use P2 assistance)
50 (43) of 1,321 – 3.79% unlock rate
3.26% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 43 hits playing as Ryuji Yamazaki (P1, could use P2 assistance)
61 (50) of 1,321 – 4.62% unlock rate
3.79% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Commando Sambo Hits '97
(5) (20)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 31 hits playing as Blue Mary (P1, could use P2 assistance)
60 (50) of 1,321 – 4.54% unlock rate
3.79% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.54% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 10 hits playing as Billy Kane (P1, could use P2 assistance)
67 (57) of 1,321 – 5.07% unlock rate
4.31% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.07% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 11 hits playing as Iori Yagami (P1, could use P2 assistance)
64 (51) of 1,321 – 4.84% unlock rate
3.86% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 9 hits playing as Shingo Yabuki (P1, could use P2 assistance)
53 (45) of 1,321 – 4.01% unlock rate
3.41% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.01% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Orochi Terra Hits '97
(5) (20)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 3 hits playing as Orichi Yashiro (P1, could use P2 assistance)
61 (50) of 1,321 – 4.62% unlock rate
3.79% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.62% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 10 hits playing as Orochi Shermie (P1, could use P2 assistance)
54 (44) of 1,321 – 4.09% unlock rate
3.33% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.09% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Orochi Flame Hits '97
(5) (21)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 11 hits playing as Orochi Chris (P1, could use P2 assistance)
56 (47) of 1,321 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 10 hits playing as Orochi Iori (P1, could use P2 assistance)
59 (48) of 1,321 – 4.47% unlock rate
3.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.47% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
The King of Orochi Piercing Hits '97
(5) (21)
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 13 hits playing as Orochi Leona (P1, could use P2 assistance)
58 (48) of 1,321 – 4.39% unlock rate
3.63% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.39% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Perform a combination of attacks with at least 6 hits playing as '94 Kyo Kusanagi (P1, could use P2 assistance)
57 (47) of 1,321 – 4.31% unlock rate
3.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.31% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode
Recent Players
Player | When | Progress | Activity |
8arcode | 25 Jan 2025, 7:49am |
Not earning achievements: Set BIOS to AES (now is MVS) |
RealBizya | 25 Jan 2025, 6:16am |
Playing The King of Fighters '97 | The King of Fighters '97 Plus |
ellinarciso | 25 Jan 2025, 4:38am |
Playing The King of Fighters '97 | The King of Fighters '97 Plus |
DaniloZlatan | 25 Jan 2025, 3:18am |
Attract Mode |
JYM59 | 25 Jan 2025, 2:02am |
Not earning achievements: Set BIOS to AES (now is MVS) |
Pimbox | 25 Jan 2025, 12:08am |
🔴🔴🔴Kyo Kusanagi🆚Sie Kensou|💯14500|⚖1-Beginner |
SIDretron | 25 Jan 2025, 12:07am |
Not earning achievements: Set BIOS to AES (now is UniBIOS) |
missiray | 24 Jan 2025, 11:38pm |
Attract Mode |
demoplaybox | 24 Jan 2025, 11:17pm |
Not earning achievements: Set BIOS to AES (now is UniBIOS) |
xXGerhardXx | 24 Jan 2025, 10:28pm |
Not earning achievements: Set BIOS to AES (now is UniBIOS) |
Recent comments
(See all 43)
vickyiori30 Dec 2022 13:23vickyiori30 Dec 2022 15:15The number of hits may change if you use another character instead of Chizuru. I can only assure it works with her. But it may work with big characters too.