Garou: Mark of the Wolves
There are 96 achievements worth 835 (4,091) points.
Bark of the Wolves
(10) (16)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Grant in Story Mode on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
300 (125) of 1,251 – 23.98% unlock rate
9.99% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode23.98% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Spread the Wings
(10) (38)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Rock on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
77 (40) of 1,251 – 6.16% unlock rate
3.20% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sunrise on the Train
(10) (41)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Terry on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
84 (37) of 1,251 – 6.71% unlock rate
2.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.71% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Loose Genius
(10) (54)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Dong Hwan on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
43 (27) of 1,251 – 3.44% unlock rate
2.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Too Honest
(10) (54)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Jae Hoon on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
42 (27) of 1,251 – 3.36% unlock rate
2.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Fullmoon - Heartful
(10) (58)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Hotaru on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
41 (25) of 1,251 – 3.28% unlock rate
2.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.28% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Heartful - A Groan
(10) (52)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Gato on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
43 (28) of 1,251 – 3.44% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
From Brazil
(10) (48)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Marco/Butt on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
52 (31) of 1,251 – 4.16% unlock rate
2.48% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Bad Girl?
(10) (52)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only B. Jenet on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
49 (28) of 1,251 – 3.92% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Ninja? Or Monkey?
(10) (54)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Hokutomaru on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
42 (27) of 1,251 – 3.36% unlock rate
2.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
All Over with Blood
(10) (51)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Freeman on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
44 (29) of 1,251 – 3.52% unlock rate
2.32% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.52% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Invincible Mask
(10) (56)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only The Griffon/Tizoc on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
42 (26) of 1,251 – 3.36% unlock rate
2.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Wilderness Policeman
(10) (54)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Kevin on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
39 (27) of 1,251 – 3.12% unlock rate
2.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Destruction Maniac
(10) (56)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Grant on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
38 (26) of 1,251 – 3.04% unlock rate
2.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dignity Palace
(10) (60)
Beaten Game Credit
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode using only Kain on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
Beaten Game Credit
35 (24) of 1,251 – 2.80% unlock rate
1.92% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Garou Mark of the Wolves 1CC
(25) (114)
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode without using any continues on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
100 (33) of 1,251 – 7.99% unlock rate
2.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.99% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Hmph... Pathetic...
(1) (3)
Use all of Rock's taunts in one playthrough
64 (46) of 1,251 – 5.12% unlock rate
3.68% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Good Going!
(1) (3)
Use all of Terry's taunts in one playthrough
71 (47) of 1,251 – 5.68% unlock rate
3.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
You're Tired of Losing, Huh?!
(1) (4)
Use all of Dong Hwan's taunts in one playthrough
50 (38) of 1,251 – 4.00% unlock rate
3.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
How's This!
(1) (3)
Use all of Jae Hoon's taunts in one playthrough
53 (40) of 1,251 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.20% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I Must Do My Best
(1) (3)
Use all of Hotaru's taunts in one playthrough
53 (41) of 1,251 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.28% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
You're an Uninteresting Person!
(1) (4)
Use all of Gato's taunts in one playthrough
48 (38) of 1,251 – 3.84% unlock rate
3.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Non, Non!
(1) (4)
Use all of B. Jenet's taunts in one playthrough
49 (37) of 1,251 – 3.92% unlock rate
2.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Don't Screw Around!
(1) (3)
Use all of Marco/Butt's taunts in one playthrough
57 (41) of 1,251 – 4.56% unlock rate
3.28% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.56% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I Won!
(1) (4)
Use all of Hokutomaru's taunts in one playthrough
46 (35) of 1,251 – 3.68% unlock rate
2.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Die Right Now...!
(1) (4)
Use all of Freeman's taunts in one playthrough
45 (37) of 1,251 – 3.60% unlock rate
2.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Look at These Abdominal Muscles!
(1) (3)
Use all of The Griffon/Tizoc's taunts in one playthrough
49 (39) of 1,251 – 3.92% unlock rate
3.12% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Aim Correctly!
(1) (4)
Use all of Kevin's taunts in one playthrough
44 (34) of 1,251 – 3.52% unlock rate
2.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.52% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
You Cannot Beat Me!
(1) (4)
Use all of Grant's taunts in one playthrough
43 (34) of 1,251 – 3.44% unlock rate
2.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Use all of Kain's taunts in one playthrough
42 (32) of 1,251 – 3.36% unlock rate
2.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rasetsu Raging Knuckle Rage
(10) (33)
Use Rock's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
81 (47) of 1,251 – 6.47% unlock rate
3.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.47% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
MAX Power Wolf
(10) (30)
Use Terry's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
93 (54) of 1,251 – 7.43% unlock rate
4.32% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode7.43% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Kaiten Super Dan
(10) (42)
Use Dong Hwan's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
49 (36) of 1,251 – 3.92% unlock rate
2.88% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
High-Angle Ten-Ou Kyaku
(10) (37)
Use Jae Hoon's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
58 (42) of 1,251 – 4.64% unlock rate
3.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.64% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sen-Kai Ten-Shou Ten-Ren-Ge
(10) (37)
Use Hotaru's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
60 (42) of 1,251 – 4.80% unlock rate
3.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Mou-Ko Zero Tatsu Retsu-Kiba
(10) (43)
Use Gato's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
52 (35) of 1,251 – 4.16% unlock rate
2.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rolling Many Many Aurora
(10) (40)
Use B. Jenet's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
63 (38) of 1,251 – 5.04% unlock rate
3.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Zan-Retsu Kyokugen Shoukou Ken Ranbu
(10) (35)
Use Marco/Butt's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
78 (45) of 1,251 – 6.24% unlock rate
3.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Nin-pou Chou Hissatsu Tatsumaki
(10) (43)
Use Hokutomaru's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
48 (35) of 1,251 – 3.84% unlock rate
2.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Overkill Full Death
(10) (37)
Use Freeman's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
60 (42) of 1,251 – 4.80% unlock rate
3.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Gri-Dro Big Fall Attack
(10) (42)
Use The Griffon/Tizoc's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
60 (36) of 1,251 – 4.80% unlock rate
2.88% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Blast Lucky Freezer
(10) (40)
Use Kevin's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
53 (38) of 1,251 – 4.24% unlock rate
3.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Majin Gan-Haten-Engetsu
(10) (44)
Use Grant's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
46 (34) of 1,251 – 3.68% unlock rate
2.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Schwarzer Himmlischer Seele
(10) (45)
Use Kain's T.O.P. attack and all Potential Powers in one playthrough
44 (33) of 1,251 – 3.52% unlock rate
2.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.52% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I Guess I Was Just Born to Be Wild!
(10) (43)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Rock with 60 seconds per round
48 (35) of 1,251 – 3.84% unlock rate
2.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Disappointment Sprung Me to True Might!
(10) (35)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Terry with 60 seconds per round
59 (45) of 1,251 – 4.72% unlock rate
3.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.72% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
A Taekwondo God Stands Before You, Punk!
(10) (51)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Dong Hwan with 60 seconds per round
39 (29) of 1,251 – 3.12% unlock rate
2.32% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Glad to Meet You, Wimp!
(10) (41)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Jae Hoon with 60 seconds per round
46 (37) of 1,251 – 3.68% unlock rate
2.96% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.68% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I'm a Real Fighter, Aren't I?
(10) (43)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Hotaru with 60 seconds per round
45 (35) of 1,251 – 3.60% unlock rate
2.80% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.60% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
That Was Scary. Not!
(10) (47)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Gato with 60 seconds per round
40 (32) of 1,251 – 3.20% unlock rate
2.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.20% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
That Was Easy!
(10) (47)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as B. Jenet with 60 seconds per round
43 (32) of 1,251 – 3.44% unlock rate
2.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
This is Kyokugen Karate!
(10) (40)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Marco/Butt with 60 seconds per round
49 (38) of 1,251 – 3.92% unlock rate
3.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Master'd Be Proud of Me Today
(10) (52)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Hokutomaru with 60 seconds per round
39 (28) of 1,251 – 3.12% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Welcome... This Nightmare!
(10) (47)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Freeman with 60 seconds per round
42 (32) of 1,251 – 3.36% unlock rate
2.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.36% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
No Choice Only to Give Up!
(10) (52)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as The Griffon/Tizoc with 60 seconds per round
36 (28) of 1,251 – 2.88% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.88% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
You Should Take Up Gardening, You Wimp!
(10) (52)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Kevin with 60 seconds per round
38 (28) of 1,251 – 3.04% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.04% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Death Is Your Punishment
(10) (45)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Grant with 60 seconds per round
43 (33) of 1,251 – 3.44% unlock rate
2.64% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
You'll Never Know the Truth of Victory
(10) (49)
Defeat 7 opponents in Survival Mode as Kain with 60 seconds per round
41 (30) of 1,251 – 3.28% unlock rate
2.40% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.28% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (12)
Get a Perfect against Rock on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
163 (67) of 1,251 – 13.03% unlock rate
5.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.03% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (14)
Get a Perfect against Terry on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
139 (59) of 1,251 – 11.11% unlock rate
4.72% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.11% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sonnan Ari Kayooo!!
(5) (12)
Get a Perfect against Dong Hwan on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
170 (72) of 1,251 – 13.59% unlock rate
5.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.59% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (12)
Get a Perfect against Jae Hoon on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
160 (71) of 1,251 – 12.79% unlock rate
5.68% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode12.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (11)
Get a Perfect against Hotaru on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
175 (78) of 1,251 – 13.99% unlock rate
6.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode13.99% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Aitsu wo Taosu Madewaaa!
(5) (16)
Get a Perfect against Gato on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
122 (50) of 1,251 – 9.75% unlock rate
4.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.75% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Zen-in Tetaiii!
(5) (13)
Get a Perfect against B. Jenet on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
146 (63) of 1,251 – 11.67% unlock rate
5.04% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode11.67% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (17)
Get a Perfect against Marco/Butt on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
104 (46) of 1,251 – 8.31% unlock rate
3.68% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.31% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Makechatta Yooo!
(5) (15)
Get a Perfect against Hokutomaru on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
108 (51) of 1,251 – 8.63% unlock rate
4.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.63% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (16)
Get a Perfect against Freeman on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
109 (48) of 1,251 – 8.71% unlock rate
3.84% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.71% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Kodomo-tachi yo, Sumanuuu!
(5) (15)
Get a Perfect against The Griffon/Tizoc on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
106 (52) of 1,251 – 8.47% unlock rate
4.16% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.47% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (17)
Get a Perfect against Kevin on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
105 (44) of 1,251 – 8.39% unlock rate
3.52% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.39% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Kain Yoooooo!
(5) (18)
Get a Perfect against Grant on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
111 (43) of 1,251 – 8.87% unlock rate
3.44% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode8.87% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
(5) (23)
Get a Perfect against Kain on difficulty 3 and 60 seconds per round
85 (32) of 1,251 – 6.79% unlock rate
2.56% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode6.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Hakkyokuseiken Hits
(10) (65)
Perform a 20-hit combo as Rock
27 (22) of 1,251 – 2.16% unlock rate
1.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.16% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Hakkyokuseiken Chi Hits
(10) (75)
Perform a 10-hit combo as Terry
23 (19) of 1,251 – 1.84% unlock rate
1.52% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode1.84% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Byeolag Taekwondo Hits
(10) (71)
Perform a 23-hit combo as Dong Hwan
25 (20) of 1,251 – 2.00% unlock rate
1.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Bulkkoch Taekwondo Hits
(10) (58)
Perform a 24-hit combo as Jae Hoon
31 (25) of 1,251 – 2.48% unlock rate
2.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.48% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Neibu Kung Fu Hits
(10) (71)
Perform a 22-hit combo as Hotaru
24 (20) of 1,251 – 1.92% unlock rate
1.60% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode1.92% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Quan Fa Hits
(10) (93)
Perform an 18-hit combo as Gato
18 (15) of 1,251 – 1.44% unlock rate
1.20% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode1.44% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush LK Arts Hits
(10) (78)
Perform a 23-hit combo as B. Jenet
22 (18) of 1,251 – 1.76% unlock rate
1.44% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode1.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Kyokugenryu Karate Hits
(10) (49)
Perform a 20-hit combo as Marco/Butt
41 (30) of 1,251 – 3.28% unlock rate
2.40% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.28% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu Hits
(10) (78)
Perform a 15-hit combo as Hokutomaru
22 (18) of 1,251 – 1.76% unlock rate
1.44% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode1.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Ga-ryuu Kakutoujustu Zanki Hits
(10) (37)
Perform a 6-hit combo as Freeman
69 (42) of 1,251 – 5.52% unlock rate
3.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.52% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Pro Wrestling Hits
(10) (65)
Perform a 9-hit combo as The Griffon/Tizoc
28 (22) of 1,251 – 2.24% unlock rate
1.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.24% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush SWAT Mercenary Techniques Hits
(10) (56)
Perform a 13-hit combo as Kevin
33 (26) of 1,251 – 2.64% unlock rate
2.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.64% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Ankoku Karate Hits
(10) (31)
Perform a 10-hit combo as Grant
69 (51) of 1,251 – 5.52% unlock rate
4.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode5.52% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Rush Ankoku Shinkuu-Ken Hits
(10) (52)
Perform a 21-hit combo as Kain
35 (28) of 1,251 – 2.80% unlock rate
2.24% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode2.80% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
I Believe in Miracles
(5) (13)
Earn a Miracle win in Story Mode with 60 seconds per round and 3 rounds per match
117 (61) of 1,251 – 9.35% unlock rate
4.88% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode9.35% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Just Defending
(3) (3)
Perform a Just Defense 5 times in one match
733 (239) of 1,251 – 58.59% unlock rate
19.10% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode58.59% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Wild Thing!
(3) (3)
Perform a Guard Cancel
808 (217) of 1,251 – 64.59% unlock rate
17.35% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode64.59% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Marque of the Wolves
(10) (83)
Score 1,500,000 points in Story Mode on difficulty 3 with 3 60-second rounds per match
51 (17) of 1,251 – 4.08% unlock rate
1.36% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.08% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Stark of the Wolves
(10) (20)
Perform a Just Defense 25 times in one playthrough
210 (90) of 1,251 – 16.79% unlock rate
7.19% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode16.79% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Sympathy for the Wolves
(25) (157)
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode on difficulty 8 with 3 60-second rounds per match
39 (23) of 1,251 – 3.12% unlock rate
1.84% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.12% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Dark of the Wolves
(25) (146)
Defeat Kain and finish Story Mode with 3 60-second rounds per match without using any specials, T.O.P. attacks, or super moves
50 (25) of 1,251 – 4.00% unlock rate
2.00% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.00% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Those Consumed with Vengeance
(25) (141)
Finish Survival Mode with 60 seconds per round in under 7 minutes
55 (26) of 1,251 – 4.40% unlock rate
2.08% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode4.40% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
For Here, the Mighty Rule!
(25) (164)
Finish Survival Mode with 60 seconds per round without falling below 33% health
47 (22) of 1,251 – 3.76% unlock rate
1.76% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.76% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode -
Those Blinded by Ambition
(25) (171)
Finish Survival Mode with 60 seconds per round
40 (21) of 1,251 – 3.20% unlock rate
1.68% of players have earned the achievement in hardcore mode3.20% of players have earned the achievement in softcore mode
Recent Players
Player | When | Progress | Activity |
zaydeJaeger | 05 Nov 2024, 4:29am |
Story Mode | Rock Howard (P1) 🆚 Hotaru Futaba (CPU2) | 🚩1|💯0 | ⚖LEVEL - 1 |
hyperbole | 05 Nov 2024, 4:07am |
Introduction |
TragicVelocity | 05 Nov 2024, 3:15am |
Story Mode | Rock Howard (P1) 🆚 Gato (CPU2) | 🚩3|💯166500 | ⚖LEVEL - 1 |
noons | 05 Nov 2024, 2:17am |
Game Over |
jmg346 | 05 Nov 2024, 2:02am |
Playing Garou: Mark of the Wolves |
kfergthegreat | 05 Nov 2024, 1:45am |
Story Mode | Terry Bogard (P1) 🆚 Hotaru Futaba (CPU2) | 🚩1|💯0 | ⚖LEVEL - 1 |
feitosacrba | 05 Nov 2024, 1:07am |
Introduction |
jfmf | 04 Nov 2024, 11:37pm |
Story Mode | Khushnood Butt (P1) 🆚 Gato (CPU2) | 🚩3|💯145200 | ⚖LEVEL - 3 |
Matt929RR | 04 Nov 2024, 11:25pm |
Playing Garou: Mark of the Wolves |
PetersonKrausen | 04 Nov 2024, 9:41pm |
Story Mode | Rock Howard (P1) 🆚 Hotaru Futaba (CPU2) | 🚩2|💯96800 | ⚖LEVEL - 1 |
Recent comments
(See all 42)
SherryBirkin20 Nov 2020 03:08Mastered
You can get a chance to fight Kain even if you have less than AAA, but you need to defeat Grant w/o continues. You can even lose rounds, just don't lose the whole fight.
P.S. It's only from my observations